First Time Grower, BC Mango 400MH/HPS Stop in and spread the love


Well-Known Member
I wanted to start a grow journal, its early though and will probably be choppy for a little while till i start gettin some pictures up. Heres what i am planning so far. I have a bran new 400MH/HPS convertion ballast. Runnin the MH now about 2 feet from the tops of my babies. 18/6 or their abouts sometimes 19/5 but you get it :) My grow room is 2'x7'x8', Fully lined with space blankets for reflective material. I chose to grow in a medium, Promix pro, im a little weary of this so if anyone has used it before i would love to kno how you did and how you used it. Im streatching out the waterings about 2 days when the medium gets pretty dry ive started a very very weak nut solution. like 1/8 or less of a norm feed just so theirs something.

im using fox farm products, tiger bloom, big bloom and big grow. I started the very weak nuts because promix has nothing added in it just peat, pearlite and lime. So it took me awhile to decide on seeds and i ended up going with the BC mango from BCseedkings everything was smooth fast and 13/13 germinated for me with in 2 days so im very happy. used the wet paper towel in front of a heater trick :) they have all poped out and are now just starting their 2nd set of pointed leaves (day 6 i think) 12 all seem normal, one is totally disfigured and just delapotaed so im kinda insterested in what is going to happen? the 2 round leaves stuck together and the first set of leaves came out as one round big leaf thats, a circle its kinda funny lookin.

I also was high and dropped a bag seed into one of my pots one day and mixed up the potting soil didnt think the seed would sprout but i just found it creeping up so i will have 14 seedlings going from seed in 2 gal pots.

Im running a 20inch box fan as an intake into the room another oscilating fan keeping all the plants moving and an exhaust fan with a carbon filter pullin hot air out of the room. I actually have 2 exhaust fans hooked up but only runnin 1 atm cause its all i really need.

right now my plans are to just let them grow until i can sex them and pull the males and see how many out of 13 i get to be female. I am going to try the banana religion onthis one. Figure it cant hurt :) i am also gonna add some co2 to the room by using sugar/yeast and water. 2 1 gal pails for that. depending on how many mothers i get im thinking about cloning maybe 15 to 20 and doing a little SOG timed with the mother flowering so ill get 2 harvests within a month or so. (Im lookin for suggestions on how to pull this off. Timeing wise and everything hehe.)

Im doing this just for fun little project for me and my girlfriend :) Let me kno what you guys think.
totally forgot my temps are runnin 86 or so with lights on and 80 or so with lights off. Their is tons of air movement in their dont have the money for a/c unit. dropped like $600 on start up for this. and figure electric is gonna go up alot with this lights and fans runnin so cant really do it. i can cool it down as the light raises but want to keep it low right now so they dont streatch to much. ive also been tossing around the idea of FIMing %50 or so of the female to see if the 2 cola's is greater then the 1. Any suggestions? Thanks guys and gals!
Sounds like ya got the idea. I would not mess with the co2. I would not fim or top them. Well do it to a coulpe and learn why not to.

Good luck.
why would you say not to add a little co2? i could see the FIMing putting me back time wise and taking 2-3 weeks longer and thats not really what i want. its also tuff cause i want to fim after the 5node or so but i wont be able to sex them at that time so i wont kno if their female or male so im prolly just gonna letem go
Ya have plenty of co2 blowing in and bad air going out.
Topping and fim is way over rated on here. I belong to other sites with experienced growers and they say no to topping and fim. What we all do is cut the little branches off the big branches that will not produce much, then the energy will go to the big buds.
can u use those little ones for clones? whats the best way to do a clone seperate one mother and use her for clones and flower the rest or can i flower the one i clone from? i dont wanna loose this strain tho unless its totally bunk :) thanks
can u use those little ones for clones? whats the best way to do a clone seperate one mother and use her for clones and flower the rest or can i flower the one i clone from? i dont wanna loose this strain tho unless its totally bunk :) thanks
Those little clippings are perfect for clones.
im tryin to get pics up, only have my cell's camera and havin probs gettin it onto my comp. I'm on day 7 right now 2 of my seedlings arent sprouting their 2nd set of leaves yet while most have a nice size pair. its still early yet, wish i could make it go faster :) will get some photo's up asap. it seems kinda funny to me some of them have purple stems while others are green?? dont kno why this is. Also looks like the edges of one is a little burt(yellow) its only the very very tip couldnt even measure it if u wanted to but not sure why, everythings been the same for that one seedling just like the others. my little bag seed mishap is really startin to come through kinda funny. my disfigured one is also still growin although its just 1 round seed. gonna be interesting

When should i trim up my plants and take clones would that be like the 2nd or 3rd week of flowering or like 1 to two weeks before flowering? i wanna try and time a mini SOG after this grow to see what its like wanna try 20 or so plants SOG style and would like to fit them in with the mothers during flowering or try to time it so they go in half way through the mom's flowerin cycle. I want to keep this strain going if its nice. Keep on clonein
just gave the babies 3liters of water and 1 teaspoon of nuts, their first big watering. Ive got one thats stunted doesnt seem to be growing the 2nd set of leaves. Anyone kno why this might be? i will be gettin pictures up tonight, might be late tho. My girl and I have named our deformed plant "dee de deee" its growing just a little bit better then the stunted one but its got 1 leaf growing at a time and in a very weird shape. :)
tryin to update with some pics attached. Have a pic of "Dee de Dee" wonder what he/(hopefully) she gonna turn into. The pics show the inside of my closet.


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no love? i kno the pics arent that great but someones gotta have some feedback? Im starting to use the fox farm big grow and grow bud tonight in 1/4 dose or so per 1 gal of water. could anyone that has used promix pro perhaps lend me a ear? im a little concerned about watering the plants i was wondering if anyone had a water plan or cycle that they fed to their plants useing the same type of set up i am. Thanks!
Ther NUMBER ONE BIGGEST MISTAKE new growers make is over watering! The number two is over fertilizing. Number three is probably worrying too much about every little thing, which in turn tends to cause number one and number two. Once your seedlings are established, water once a week. Don't use any nutes until a)they show signs of deficiency or you suspect one b)you start flowering.

Good luck
Week 7 of veging
Picture 1: Tallest of the bunch ranging from 14 inches-17 inches
Picture 2: Top of "shorty",,,not so short anymore
Picture 3: Tallest of the bunch topping out at 17 inches!
Picture 4: Shorter of the bunch ranging from 11-13 inches
Picture 5: Getting bushy
Picture 6: 14 inch bush....the only kind of bush i like
Picture 7: Seems a little dark and scaley...what could be wrong?
Picture 8: whats with the dark green leaves?
Picture 9: Can anyone tell me whats wrong?
Picture 10: Little bit droopy
Picture 11: Bag seed plant "mini me" who was the only one fimmed
Picture 12: Running temp range

Give me your thoughts??Any ideas on the dark leaves and scaling??
Gonna start flowering in the next week or so, how big do you think they'll get?


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you really want it to be a she, females are the ones that grow the bud.. Good luck dude Rep+ for growing
After 36 hours of no light and started flowering....


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They didn't get any taller but the lower branches did seem to full up and have a growth spurt. They also changed in color slightly a little lighter green. Also wanted to note that the tops seemed to spread out like they where getting ready to bud. none drooped either all where very perky and looked awesome.
i love the whole 36 hrs of dark before flowering, in my opinion it speeds up sexing, if you aren't vegging forever that is.