A lot to comment on this post, burner phones are quite easily trackable/trace able these days you can secure a warrant in 24 hours and if your being watched, you switch you Number they will be on your new number within 24 hours, they can track them tap them just like regular phone, also if you buy prepaid and just keep changing number lol no good they know the serial number of the phone and know each time it is activated with phone time, also if your a burner phone person don't buy your own burner phones... Your on camera buying a traceable purchase. Don't believe me? I know a guy who went to Wally World, bought straight talk phone, robbed somebody for a Rolex on Craig's list, they tracked phone purchase to walmart dated and timed his purchase and caught him on camera. That however just because you purchased isn't proof, it's circumstantial but if they have you under investigation already it doesn't help you bought the phone. So lesson to be learned everybody needed to be way more careful these days the government is winning the war on drugs in mane thus far, I hope you the best of luck with what's going on, hopefully new phone or pics deleted since you sent them, shitty feeling thinking your being watched because of somebody else when your being as careful as you can on your half of things, I had it happen to me, I got caught up because a kid I sold small smoke to got arrested shooting a shotgun in his back yard after neighbor called on him. He was getting summonsed for shooting to close to town and they found roach on his porch leading to a search of back pack on the porch leading to discovery of an ounce and his phone which they searched knowing he was a small time pot pusher, they found my number because the little dub didn't clear out any texts and had my fucking name in his phone!