VOTE ONLY ......

is george what he claims

  • sorry george buddy the facts are daft...... no

    Votes: 10 62.5%
  • i'll play along he's unstoppable he is the lord ..... yes

    Votes: 6 37.5%

  • Total voters
So far, right now, its 50%, 50%.

I voted "yes" for Myself, haha.

Of course, people don't want to believe in a LIVING SAVIOR, CHRIST, MAKER, KING, MESSIAH, LORD, CREATOR, PROPHET, THE LIFE, ETC., ETC..

but you need us to believe

No, I don't need anyone to believe anything.

My facts about Myself are facts.

My opinions are My opinions. For example, its My opinion that I am the Christ, etc..

My theories are My theories.

My sentiment is My sentiment.

My assertions are My assertions.

My posits are My posits.

My prophecies are My prophecies.


But My facts are My facts.

I claim a lot of things, but right now, My claims are My subjective opinions.

No, I don't need anyone to believe anything.

My facts about Myself are facts.

My opinions are My opinions. For example, its My opinion that I am the Christ, etc..

My theories are My theories.

My sentiment is My sentiment.

My assertions are My assertions.

My posits are My posits.

My prophecies are My prophecies.


But My facts are My facts.

I claim a lot of things, but right now, My claims are My subjective opinions.

but how is the world suppose to join your goverment if no one believes u ?
do u believe @Nevaeh420 is what he claims

ps.....its the votes that count not the replys :)

looks like its all on the vote then george..... good luck i hope your plans for global domination become true :) but your going to need the votes arnt u :) lets be honest
but how is the world suppose to join your goverment if no one believes u ?

No one needs to believe I am the Christ, in order to join My government.

My government is not going to be based on religion.

I believe in the seperation of Church and state, but people should be able to practice whatever religion they want.

I don't believe I have a "religion" per se, I would consider Myself spiritual.

But, no, no one needs to believe anything about Me, but people should know the facts about Me if they are interested in Me.

As long as people know about My facts, I can't force anyone to believe in My beliefs.

My global online government should not be contingent upon peoples religious beliefs, because religion and politics don't mix very well.

My global online government will be based off of facts, evidence, answers, solutions, innovation, peoples wants and needs, inventions, supply and demand, credible scientific theories, power in the peoples hands, production, sustainability, etc.. I will hope that people will leave their religious beliefs behind, when trying to vote on all of the laws.

My global online government is not going to be a theocracy.

No one needs to believe I am the Christ, in order to join My government.

My government is not going to be based on religion.

I believe in the seperation of Church and state, but people should be able to practice whatever religion they want.

I don't believe I have a "religion" per se, I would consider Myself spiritual.

But, no, no one needs to believe anything about Me, but people should know the facts about Me if they are interested in Me.

As long as people know about My facts, I can't force anyone to believe in My beliefs.

My global online government should not be contingent upon peoples religious beliefs, because religion and politics don't mix very well.

My global online government will be based off of facts, evidence, answers, solutions, innovation, peoples wants and needs, inventions, supply and demand, credible scientific theories, power in the peoples hands, production, sustainability, etc.. I will hope that people will leave their religious beliefs behind, when trying to vote on all of the laws.

My global online government is not going to be a theocracy.

this true george :)

but your going to need votes anyway like obama did ....correct
this true george :)

but your going to need votes anyway like obama did ....correct

Usually kings don't get voted in: usually kings are born into the position.

For example, in England, prince George will one day become the king of England if he lives long enough. Prince George was not voted to be the prince, George was born into the "royal" family, and he will one day become the king if he lives long enough.

So, no, I, Christ George Manuel Oliveira, am the King by birth. I was born to be the King (of My people and government.) Every kingdom needs a king, and I am the King of My Kingdom.

You cannot vote that I am not a fact of life. You cannot vote that My facts are not true. Facts are not a democractic debate, just like Me and My facts about Myself. Of course, people can debate about anything, but if a fact is true, there really is no debate, that is when you need to educate people to the true facts.

There is a lot of misinformation, and disinformation, but that is usually just a bunch of lies that are mixed in with some facts. Do not be decieved by misinformation and disinformation, because it might seem like the truth, but it is a lie.

I can be the living King, and I can be the dead King. If I become the King of the world after I die, people should study Me to see what I believe, so I can help guide My people even after I am dead.

So, no, no one needs to vote for Me to be the King, I am the King by birth right, or by default.

I, Christ George Manuel Oliveira, am the King by birth. I was born to be the King (of My people and government.) Every kingdom needs a king, and I am the King of My Kingdom.

An Emperor ranks higher than a King

while a king maybe the highest rank of a kingdom, an Emperor holds the highest rank of an empire
within an empire they can be many kingdoms and many kings who all answer to the Emperor

who is your Emperor ?
An Emperor ranks higher than a King

while a king maybe the highest rank of a kingdom, an Emperor holds the highest rank of an empire
within an empire they can be many kingdoms and many kings who all answer to the Emperor

who is your Emperor ?
good question
An Emperor ranks higher than a King

while a king maybe the highest rank of a kingdom, an Emperor holds the highest rank of an empire
within an empire they can be many kingdoms and many kings who all answer to the Emperor

who is your Emperor ?

I did not know that.

I am claiming to be the King of the world... and the entire world is My Kingdom.

But, to answer your question, I do not have an emporer over Me. If anything, the aliens know better than Me, but so far, I have never talked to any aliens: even though I saw an alien-like being about a couple of years ago.

I would like to get most of My advice from aliens, when I become the King of the world. I am sure the aliens have been there and experienced that. Maybe, its possible by physics, that the aliens can see the future anyways. If I am destined to be the King of the world, it is fated.

I did not know that.

I am claiming to be the King of the world... and the entire world is My Kingdom.

But, to answer your question, I do not have an emporer over Me. If anything, the aliens know better than Me, but so far, I have never talked to any aliens: even though I saw an alien-like being about a couple of years ago.

I would like to get most of My advice from aliens, when I become the King of the world. I am sure the aliens have been there and experienced that. Maybe, its possible by physics, that the aliens can see the future anyways. If I am destined to be the King of the world, it is fated.


buddy u are falling into the classic paradox of seeing be hide the curtain ......u can look at this tho out history ....does not end well for them ....we had this talk

1 your not god ........your not jesus ......your not a prophet .....your not a cult leader ........your are a avg guy that has head hurt by seeing to much (i guess this is why it pays to be crazy before hand

clam the hell down at this point i only see one outcome heading for u and it is not one u are going to enjoy unless u got a death wish

rem it alice in wonderland time u are decided to jump down the rabbit hole ........screaming your head off to others trying to make sense of it is not part of the ride u want to go on the end is all the same at some point and time u are committed losing all value to your word in any real function or u die by some means that goes unnoticed

and how does that do anyone any good ..........shut up and keep learning and thinking this point most of the world is lost and not a damn thing u can do about it ........cover your ass over your loved ones asses and watch it all learn
^^ Yes, and it's amusing when you take into account that people that cast the 4 votes for you are just being funny. After all, the poll says, "I'll play along..." It's even more amusing that you are the only one who is not in on the joke... what a moron...