Medical marijuana smell overwhelms other businesses


Well-Known Member
The tenants of a Mississauga, Ont., commercial complex say the smell coming from neighbouring marijuana grow-ops is making it hard to do business.

Jon and Jackie Messenger say their heating and air conditioning company, which operates out of a plaza near Royal Windsor Drive and Southdown Road, is surrounded on three sides by medical marijuana companies.

They say there's no escaping the smell.

"The headache throughout the day is constant," Jackie Messenger told CBC News. "These guys should be working in detached buildings."

Messenger says they don't have a problem with medical marijuana — they just think grow-ops should be located somewhere else. After 10 years in the same location, they are considering moving.

Tenants say the smell makes it almost impossible to work and that it has driven away customers.

"It's getting hard to do business ... hard to be in here for any period of time," said David Kralik, who runs a snow removal company in the same plaza.

Kralik says he does as much work as he can outside, in his truck, and is worried about having his employees inside.

Zoning violations

The property manager for the complex says the grow-ops have a licence from Health Canada to grow medical marijuana, that the units are clean and safe, and that they've been checked by police and fire officials.

But for privacy reasons Health Canada can't confirm if its officers have checked the units on Royal Windsor Drive.

The units have been found to be in violation of some zoning bylaws. Officials told CBC News that investigation is ongoing.

Federal legislation banning individuals from running grow-ops was passed last year and then stayed, which means anyone with a licence to grow can continue doing so until a federal court reaches a final decision.

Calls for comment from the grow-ops were not returned.
IMO these people need to quit whinning. I hate the smell of canola and am allergic so should we stop farmers from growing canola just because it smells like shit when it flowers. Obviously these people whinning about the smell have nothing better to do with there f-ing time. Rant over

I'm with those sensitive to smells
since my thyroid shut down and since my spinal fluids have been under attack
for some reason I have gone into hyper drive ...when it comes to smells...
even smells that I like....can overwhelm if strong enough....
my daughter loves to make fudge....and I love the fudge she
but about two weeks ago when she made some, the smell of chocolate was so strong it was like a punch in the face..
and it overwhelmed the entire house where I had to get out...
I get the same reaction from women's perfumes...
and there are some stores in the malls that I have to avoid at all costs...
I can be outside walking in the fresh air and smell moth balls as I walk by certain cottages along a small dirt road
near my house...very sensitive smeller...
There was another story last night on the supper news about a guy in Vancouver or Surrey with a house full of plants. It was across the street from a school and parents were complaining about their kids coming home smelling like pot...just a note...the guy didn't live in this house and he said he only grew for his medical condition...
what about restaurants....they make smells too..some good some bad but they are pretty strong
maybe they should do something about the Lush or Body Shoppe stores. if you have allergies, that might kill you.....
Believe it or not, the smell is the one point of contention with my employer. As if someone getting a whiff of pot is somehow 'assaulted' or damaged. The fact that there is a farmer's field directly across the road that is liberally coated with manure spring and fall isn't a problem. It's a stigma...the smell is associated with illegal activity. My standard answer when someone tells me they smell my weed is "Oh my god...was anybody hurt?!"
My kids are always saying something about the smell too. I just tell them the truth cannabis is a flowering plant and that is the smell it's terpens give off while flowering. They always say well it stinks and I reply I love the stink! Lol
I'm extremely allergic to corn and corn pollen, but I live in the country completely surrounded by it.

In the summer it ruins me all the pollen in the air makes my life shit for half the summer

Should I ask the farmers to stop growing corn?

Should I also be asking for labels for foods containing corn concentrates?

Nah no one gives a fuck about it
I object to the smell of harptler. No matter where I am in the country....I smell him and his breathe.
I have repeatedly written to Ottawa to eliminate his stench....but it falls on deaf ear.
I was in line at the grocery store and heard one old lady behind me ask another 'I smell you smell skunk?'
I was taking jui jitsu and this big black belt was tossing me around, leans in and whispers...'you smell like weed' looks around and says 'hey boys..maybe we should call the drug dog'. I tapped. Dojo full of cops. Doh! (Slaps forehead)
I was in line at the grocery store and heard one old lady behind me ask another 'I smell you smell skunk?'
I was taking jui jitsu and this big black belt was tossing me around, leans in and whispers...'you smell like weed' looks around and says 'hey boys..maybe we should call the drug dog'. I tapped. Dojo full of cops. Doh! (Slaps forehead)
You shoulda hit him in the balls with an iron bar and then quit.....and run too.