Islam can dish it out, but can't take it


Well-Known Member
Good find. Even Christianity missed this Golden Concept.

2:106. Whatever a Verse (revelation) do We {Allah} abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one or similar to it. Know you not that Allah is able to do all things?

But, I guess Christians are even more confused. (or less?) They say the it doesn't matter about the words.
When people hear there are over 50 different versions of the Bible in English alone, they often think to themselves, "No wonder there are many denominations each teaching different things, there are many different versions of the Bible." This view, however, is wrong. Yes there are many denominations, but don't blame that on the fact there are many versions of the Bible. There is one Bible.

First we need to understand what we mean by a "version". A better word than "version" is "translation".

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
gee I wonder how much The Muslims would calm down if we stop being Israels Bitch


Would you still back up the muslims if they killed all the jews? Their state is only as big as a small county, so it could happen and then what? Would you kneel down and praise Ali for doing such a good job?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
you sure like rooting for the republicans while living with the democrats there, racist old shit.

I think I am better off with conservative leader ship, but I sure don't stick my head up any politicians ass like you do. And I am surrounded by conservative Hawaiians from what I can tell. Remember I live with cattle farmers and coffee growers that seem to fill the churches up on sundays.


Well-Known Member
Muslim Terrorist Killed While Trying To Hijack Airplane In U.S. And You’re Not Being Told About It!

Posted 01/18/2015 9:30 pm by Timothy Tuttle.

Did you hear about the Muslim man who dressed up like a woman in a burka, had two knives strapped to his legs, and tried to board an airplane and hijack it right in the center of America’s heartland recently? Of course you haven’t, have you? And the reasons why are going to shock, but not really surprise you.

Members of the bomb squad check out a parked SUV at Port Columbus Airport on Wednesday after police shot a man in Columbus, Ohio.​

In the first week of January, 2015, a black American Muslim (and gee, now we know why you’re not hearing about this, do we not?), dressed up like a female Muslim, via simply donning a burka and tried to board a plane in Columbus, Ohio at Port Columbus International Airport. The man was acting nervous in a way that “was consistent to the behavior of a terrorist,” according to police records and was denied the right to board.

He left the airport and police confronted this suspicious individual in the parking lot of the airport. It was only then, when the man attacked police with a knife and was shot dead, that his true identity was found out. The man’s name was Hashim Hanif Ibn Abdul-Rasheed, and he is pictured below.

Authorities claim the story has been kept on the down-low due to their need to investigate the situation fully, but many believe the story has been silenced in the lame stream media, because they do not want to offend Muslims or black American criminals, apparently, both groups to which this piece of shi# belonged. Authorities are writing this terrorist’s actions off to “mental illness,” because by all means, they do not want you to know the truth…

… that the wolves are no longer at the door.

They are inside!

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Muslim Terrorist Killed While Trying To Hijack Airplane In U.S. And You’re Not Being Told About It!

Posted 01/18/2015 9:30 pm by Timothy Tuttle.

Did you hear about the Muslim man who dressed up like a woman in a burka, had two knives strapped to his legs, and tried to board an airplane and hijack it right in the center of America’s heartland recently? Of course you haven’t, have you? And the reasons why are going to shock, but not really surprise you.

Members of the bomb squad check out a parked SUV at Port Columbus Airport on Wednesday after police shot a man in Columbus, Ohio.​

In the first week of January, 2015, a black American Muslim (and gee, now we know why you’re not hearing about this, do we not?), dressed up like a female Muslim, via simply donning a burka and tried to board a plane in Columbus, Ohio at Port Columbus International Airport. The man was acting nervous in a way that “was consistent to the behavior of a terrorist,” according to police records and was denied the right to board.

He left the airport and police confronted this suspicious individual in the parking lot of the airport. It was only then, when the man attacked police with a knife and was shot dead, that his true identity was found out. The man’s name was Hashim Hanif Ibn Abdul-Rasheed, and he is pictured below.

Authorities claim the story has been kept on the down-low due to their need to investigate the situation fully, but many believe the story has been silenced in the lame stream media, because they do not want to offend Muslims or black American criminals, apparently, both groups to which this piece of shi# belonged. Authorities are writing this terrorist’s actions off to “mental illness,” because by all means, they do not want you to know the truth…

… that the wolves are no longer at the door.

They are inside!
Hey CC2012.

This is the first I have heard about this. It's a good thing Chesus and Buck don't work at an airport.