Islam can dish it out, but can't take it


Well-Known Member
And Hassan was just workplace violence. Good soldier and high rank before he came out of the closet.
Yeah, that one is sick.

We used his correspondence with Al Awaki to justify his drone death as proof of recruiting for terrorism but refuse to call Ft Hood an act of terror. My biggest criticism of "The Obama" to date. He literally screwed the surviving family members out of serious benefits by this classification.


Well-Known Member
No, I noticed his pig changing direction as I noticed Kirk not passing and just switching hands.
You keep talking about him though like he is on your mind. You know that opposition to gays that you expressed is setting off alarms.

Another correlation established by peer reviewed research is homophobia with latent gay tendency. It's only science though.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Yeah, just a democratic feel good thing. Save the whales.


I used to be a democrat for over twenty years. The new kind of democrats like your self was a big reason I am not one anymore. I couldn't stand behind a party that thinks every bodies wife is fat or a whale or a bigot or a racist. Your party is in the shitter . Last November is a good example of where it is going.


Well-Known Member

I used to be a democrat for over twenty years. The new kind of democrats like your self was a big reason I am not one anymore. I couldn't stand behind a party that thinks every bodies wife is fat or a whale or a bigot or a racist. Your party is in the shitter . Last November is a good example of where it is going.
If only the other choice wasn't almost as distasteful.

The time is ripe for dismantling our two party strong-hold, if only....


Well-Known Member
You keep talking about him though like he is on your mind. You know that opposition to gays that you expressed is setting off alarms.

Another correlation established by peer reviewed research is homophobia with latent gay tendency. It's only science though.
You keep referring to him when I`m talking to you.... I`m not only on buck`s mind, but I`m on his search and destroy list, right where I wanna be. You have something in common with buck, that puts you in his pants.


Well-Known Member
Besides internet E-Foo,...What the fuck do you plan on doing about it ?
I don`t approve or support Gays, but throwing them off Cell Towers to cheering crowds below is just barbaric.

I don`t like the Evil one`s and despise the so called good one`s for doing nothing about it.
But what are you going to do about it bigot??


Well-Known Member

I used to be a democrat for over twenty years. The new kind of democrats like your self was a big reason I am not one anymore. I couldn't stand behind a party that thinks every bodies wife is fat or a whale or a bigot or a racist. Your party is in the shitter . Last November is a good example of where it is going.
So you left in the 60s, when Johnson signed the civil rights bill?

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
i personally hate seeing these types of threads, nothing but hate. i coulda swore i remember being thought about a time that Christians were slaughtering people for not being Christian.... damn what was it... oh yea, the crusades. how many non-christians u think got killed. couldn't be that many right, i mean it only lasted on and off over 400 years.