How many total weeks from seed to harvest, and what expected yield (DWC v soil)


Well-Known Member
guess that leaves me with asking, what do you recommend 5x5 tent or 4x4 tent? and what type of light setup (no LED).. 1000w, or 600w? or a mixture like 400w and 600w?.. idk tell me what you think i should do for the best lighting for my plants
Depends on the space you have. I use 4x4 SJ DR120's and 600watt lights.

shaggy batman

New Member
Yeah in a tent that size I think a smaller light would suit, bigger light=more heat. Are you using fans?
yes i plan on using at least one mounted rotating fan, possibly two. and i also plan on using an 6inch incline fan/ducts for the lights. i want to hook up a carbon filter with the incline fan thats for the light.

so when you say a tent that size, are you talking about *both* the 4x4 and 5x5 tent i should only use a 600w light, or only the 4x4 tent?


Well-Known Member
you could do 4x4 but more space is more better lol. You'll have to learn how to top or fim, tying down or super cropping, there's a lot of techniques that will come into play to keep your plants low and compact. But with six gals space will be a major issue unless you flower early.
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