Best online place for MH/HPS system


Well-Known Member
I am just wondering the best places online to get a HPS/MH sysyem.

My budget is $300 but ive found systems before for around $150.

Thanks in advance.

shaggy batman

New Member
Depends on wattage you're looking for but here's a good place to start. I'm sure some "experts" here would cringe at the brand, but it hasn't done me wrong in 3 years and its cheap and efficient. I'm well satisfied. Good luck! hps 400&sprefix=apollo hps,aps,172
does that brands digital ballast give off bad RF interference? or is it shielded?.. you can use an AM radio in the room to test for RF interference.

i am thinking about getting apollo also, but the 600w or 1000w


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
And I don't know about where you are but here in Colorado it's pretty competitive and you can get the 120 volt model for $420.


Well-Known Member
I am just wondering the best places online to get a HPS/MH sysyem.

My budget is $300 but ive found systems before for around $150.

Thanks in advance.
inbox me we have some nice deals were i work and atm we have 25% off but only lasting 1 more day