Muslims against Free speech in front of BarryO's white house.


Well-Known Member
Could of fooled me.
i do not think it would take very much to fool you as you are not very bright
this is why you create accounts on websites of racist hate groups while pretending to be anti racist
you are a very mixed up individual and a hypocrite


Well-Known Member
i do not think it would take very much to fool you as you are not very bright
this is why you create accounts on websites of racist hate groups while pretending to be anti racist
you are a very mixed up individual and a hypocrite
You win.
You got it all figured out


Well-Known Member
can you elaborate on this "defense"?
chesus claims he is only a member of hate groups so he can bring haters to justice .. perhaps chesus is also writing a book

when pete got caught with child porn on his computer and also using his credit card to purchase child porn
he used this defense "i was only doing it for research for my book as i hate pedophiles and i want to bring them to justice"
the police did not agree with pete

hence the "pete townshend defense"


Well-Known Member
WTF? and you guys give other members shit about SF?

i think i'm the only one here without a SF account.

I know.. I never heard the place until I got here and Buck was continually posting links to that site.

I have a hunch that the influx of extreme racism we had here 2 years ago was people that followed Buck here. That's probably how he got the idea it was cool to follow people around the net, from those idiots.


Well-Known Member
I know.. I never heard the place until I got here and Buck was continually posting links to that site.

I have a hunch that the influx of extreme racism we had here 2 years ago was people that followed Buck here. That's probably how he got the idea it was cool to follow people around the net, from those idiots.
kinda like the guy who's against homosexuality yet wants you to come to his house for a sleepover:wink:



Well-Known Member
i have never been to stormfront you tell me, you are the one with all the experience

Everyone googled it the first time accusations were made. Well, the accuser never had to google it because they were already a member.

Like Bronies You're gonna look once, its just how it is. I sure wish I could undo looking at that cup one though, fuck.


Well-Known Member


Everyone googled it the first time accusations were made. Well, the accuser never had to google it because they were already a member.

Like Bronies You're gonna look once, its just how it is. I sure wish I could undo looking at that cup one though, fuck.
nice assumption

i have never goggled it, i know what it is because folk here argue about it everyday lol
but i am going to google it now just for you < not a fan of apple


Well-Known Member
you got to admit, muslims can be a pretty evil fucking people..

can't keep beating on the messengers.
wasn't the catholic church busy covering up their own kiddy rapists instead of condemning the murder of doctors or the bombing of gay night clubs by christians?

yes or no.