The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I fuckin hate EastEnders man must be their accents lmao.....Nah its proper depressing shit no wonder women like the cunt I'm here sae watching ice road truckers what a sad fucker
i just been watching a doc about lebonen and the fighting between the sunni's n alawhites top that for sad fuckerness lmao


Well-Known Member
this is great doc old but proper good, was riot in a prison in the states the prisoners took full control then gained access to the nonce/peado wing which the gaurds had managed to lock before they done one but the silly cunts had been doing repairs on the prison n had left tools that can cut threw metal, the normal prisoners went cell to cell cutting em open and topped 30+ of the nonce's...



Well-Known Member
Seen that before Rambo where the floor has still got burn marks in the outline of a body.....must a been a bit rough in there that day fuck me de capped by a blowtorch that's proper nasty


Well-Known Member
Quite good prison docs are...I'll never forget Ross Kemp in an African prison fuck that shit this little black fucker was about 5ft 8stone but fuckin ran that place shaggin blokes face to face n shit lol feckin animal man think his name was john mongrel lol sounds about right ay

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
morning lads l, well I'm in that usual pickle. Shall I back the toon against hull in the early KO coupon and afternoon in one fell swoop....

think ill buy a few scratch cards instead this week. Fucking steve Bruce the Mackem twat.