The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
hang the cunts, most humane way to do it imo.

see that one in iran the other day where the fella put up a fight, was pretty entertaining and refreshing to see somebody actually not wanting to die, in the beheading vids they always just go out with a smile and i have never understood it.

tbh lax i don't think there is a lung capable of doing a 1g dab justice, you would need to have carbon lungs with a huuuuge skilllet to fit a gram on, fun to try maybe...


Well-Known Member
he coughs with a lung full of bho smoke! i know if i did that they'd be calling an ambulance cause it has to be the most painful off all internal injuries lol, like getting stabbed by a thousand acid coated blades innit.

need to go and get some butane, do home n bargain or poundland sell that shit? don't want to be using that nasty swan stuff


Well-Known Member
Agreed on the hanging, if done correctly it's a pretty good way to go..every watch the last hangman or something like that? He was a really humane dude when it came down to it, they were hung b4 they knew it.


Well-Known Member
Agreed on the hanging, if done correctly it's a pretty good way to go..every watch the last hangman or something like that? He was a really humane dude when it came down to it, they were hung b4 they knew it.
never seen the film but read the book about albert pierrepoint aka the last hangman.


Well-Known Member
he coughs with a lung full of bho smoke! i know if i did that they'd be calling an ambulance cause it has to be the most painful off all internal injuries lol, like getting stabbed by a thousand acid coated blades innit.

need to go and get some butane, do home n bargain or poundland sell that shit? don't want to be using that nasty swan stuff
lol think the biggest I did was about .2 lol and it wrote me off....I ordered my gas off eBay mate I went for the Newport just cuz that's what everyone reccomends like got 12 tins for £30 I thiught it was a bit expensive but apparently its not a bad price? much gear u got to blast g?


Well-Known Member
i once delivered some stuff to the house he lived in ( pierrepoint ) before he was put in the home to die, it's in southport not too far from me. he had a massive brick shed built in the garden and even years after he retired kept trying to perfect the method of making a mans neck snap but not pull his head off, he was known as a master of his trade and the gov kept trying to pull him back out of retirement even when he was an old man. i was told all this by an guy who must have been a hundred who had lived in the house next door when he retired, the lads doing the job on the house were telling me he used to hang people in his shed at first and i believed them lol

i honestly never knew they made a film about him, i'll have to watch it sometime. isn't tim spall a brummie though? i hope his yorkshire accent is ok ffs.


Well-Known Member
Man I'm fucking shit faced lol can't wait for this bud to dry so I can have a big fat blunt n eat some mother fucking cannabis cookies!!


Well-Known Member
N on the lot all sound the same to us but I do remember thinking it was a good flick at the time..doubt it 100% accurate but it beats sitting around twiddling your thumbs watching the Jeremy kyle show.


Well-Known Member
Didn't know you were a different race but always had my suspicions lol I had to get on the googly to hear a Yorkshire accent n it isn't that bad..i can tell a London accent Liverpool accent (thank you harry Enfield) n most mainstream TV accents but not specific areas...