Organic to Chemical question.


Well-Known Member
What sort of a difference would you notice if you changed the type of nutes you use from Organic (Biobizz) to "Chemical" (Canna Terra) for example. Will my yield increase? Healthier plants? Been growing for years using Biobizz and never tried chemical...wanna give it a shot but Im wondering will there be a huge difference?
If anything it's more often the other way around. Switching to organic may cause healthier plants and better yield. Your question basicly seems to be the old organic vs. chemical argument that won't be settled as long as both types of fertilizer are on the market.
But I just mean realistically if I was to switch would I notice a big difference? Minor difference? I just feel the Organic nutrients take forever to "work" and the plants are always edging on deficient.
Chemicals usually burn faster and have a greater chance micronutrient deficiency. There isn't really any benefit, other than price, to using chemicals that you can't also get with the right organics. There is a more universal solubility than with organics.

Fresh organic teas can be as strong as you like. If you aren't getting good results with what you're using, you should really just ditch the brand instead of the whole category of fertilizers. While it's more work to make them, one good, freshly made organic tea will definately give you everything that you & your plants have been missing.

Whatever you end up trying, I'd use the new stuff either mixed with the old stuff or alternated with it. That way you can get all the benefits of the new stuff and still get some use out of the old ferts.
Yeah I was gonna try mixing the two, using the organic grow formula with chemical bloom nutes to keep the plant healthy throughout flowering hopefully nice and gently.

Thanks for the replies anyways.
'Synthetic' fertilizers are already in a form which is usable by the plant so you can expect bigger yields with 'chemical' nutrients. You can also burn your plants more easily so restraint is the most important thing when feeding. Even if you're in dirt, I'd recommend a TDS meter so you know exactly what you're giving your plants. I'd also suggest using a promix type medium (I use sunshine mix #4 or #8, can't remember) because feedings can get very confusing if you're giving your plants food and they already have food in the soil. Doubling up will give you issues.
Well the soil I use doesnt have much, just some worm casings for a bit of N in veg, but it usually used up after about 2 weeks from seed. Im was thinking of growing autos so I was thinking no veg nutes, just the All-Mix soil, then once flowering starts just go straight to half feedings of Canna Terra Bloom and if they need it move up to full strength. Decided to do autos cos grow area is cold and 20/4 is the best light cycle cos its minimal lights-off cooldown time.
Fresh organic teas can be as strong as you like. If you aren't getting good results with what you're using, you should really just ditch the brand instead of the whole category of fertilizers. While it's more work to make them, one good, freshly made organic tea will definately give you everything that you & your plants have been missing.

Do you have a tea recipe that you could share?
'Synthetic' fertilizers are already in a form which is usable by the plant so you can expect bigger yields with 'chemical' nutrients. You can also burn your plants more easily so restraint is the most important thing when feeding. Even if you're in dirt, I'd recommend a TDS meter so you know exactly what you're giving your plants. I'd also suggest using a promix type medium (I use sunshine mix #4 or #8, can't remember) because feedings can get very confusing if you're giving your plants food and they already have food in the soil. Doubling up will give you issues.

Yes, not to mention synthetic fertilizers can stay fresh up to 2 weeks in the reservoir. A stable, controllable pH is a perk too. I love the sunshine mix #4, but I've used synthetic fertilizer in organic soil as well, and I like it, but I prefer the sunshine mix #4 over all. I would flush well before switching though.

Do you have a tea recipe that you could share?

Every tea we make is a little different since we don't adhere to a firm recipe and add some different nutrients each time. Solid ferts are steeped in a medium to large pot, on the stove set to its lowest setting, and stirred regularly. The pot is allowed to slowly get just warm enough to create only the slightest bit of steam and is held there for a couple hours. It then cools, slowly going through the different temps where different substances dissolve more easily. We usually let it sit overnight before filtering through old sheet fabric. For flowering we frequently use 1 part 3-15-0 Bone Meal, 1 part 3-10-1 Bat Guano, 1 part 0-0-30 Palm Bunch Ash, and alot of pH Down. After the tea is filtered, any easily soluble or liquid ferts are added. Fish Emulsion is often added to the tea after filtering for N. Sometimes we'll add a different source of N like high-N Guano or Blood Meal before steeping. We often use both & very little Palm Ash for veg.
The way I see it.

Mineral base and soil based nutrients both have their advantages and disadvantages. I personally use the Floratonic Super Root, Super Growth and Super Bloom additives though out the plant's cycle and gave my plants 2 weeks of hard flushing and my plants produce huge bugs and very tight between the internodes. Organic I've also tried, to tell you the truth I saw slower growth rate with the pure blend grow compared to the Super Growth, and smaller flower compared to the Super Bloom Stimulator. The taste I can tell you is slightly different but I flushed it both for a good 2 weeks and I can't complain about the quality on either of them. However I prefer to stick with the Floratonic stimulants.
Id kill to know whats in Super Bloom... i suspect its something of a combo fairly common as in hormones, auxins pgr etc...
YES SIR, CHEmicals are like magic, difference is more than huge, you can grow 3 meter plants with chemicals. but chemicals are only good for plant, kills people, you can not even smoke the weed, they will destroy your mouth firstly and then your all body. you will die. But you can grow the main part of plant till it has flowers and then stop it, and feed with organics, then chemicals wont be in the weed. but you have to be really professianal for success with that style, so i dont advice , just saying, if you try, results are only your fault. never smoke weed which has chemicals in, never ever, its much more harmful than you can image
YES SIR, CHEmicals are like magic, difference is more than huge, you can grow 3 meter plants with chemicals. but chemicals are only good for plant, kills people, you can not even smoke the weed, they will destroy your mouth firstly and then your all body. you will die. But you can grow the main part of plant till it has flowers and then stop it, and feed with organics, then chemicals wont be in the weed. but you have to be really professianal for success with that style, so i dont advice , just saying, if you try, results are only your fault. never smoke weed which has chemicals in, never ever, its much more harmful than you can image
lol, you really have no clue,do you?
YES SIR, CHEmicals are like magic, difference is more than huge, you can grow 3 meter plants with chemicals. but chemicals are only good for plant, kills people, you can not even smoke the weed, they will destroy your mouth firstly and then your all body. you will die. But you can grow the main part of plant till it has flowers and then stop it, and feed with organics, then chemicals wont be in the weed. but you have to be really professianal for success with that style, so i dont advice , just saying, if you try, results are only your fault. never smoke weed which has chemicals in, never ever, its much more harmful than you can image
What the hell did you just type? Because nothing in that paragraph of crap was even relevant or helpful to anyone, doing anything.
they will destroy your mouth firstly and then your all body

this wasn't helpful? lol
Yes because dispensaries have weed that kills people, lol they all use chemicals, key with chemicals is flushing at the end, it wont kill you even if you dont flush, but yes your throat might burn a little. I dislike chemicals because of how easy it is to mess up a plant and organics are much much more forgiving if you mess up a batch of nutes. I like the taste of organics anyways.
Yes because dispensaries have weed that kills people, lol they all use chemicals, key with chemicals is flushing at the end, it wont kill you even if you dont flush, but yes your throat might burn a little. I dislike chemicals because of how easy it is to mess up a plant and organics are much much more forgiving if you mess up a batch of nutes. I like the taste of organics anyways.
don't want to turn this into a big debate, BUT, flushing doesn't remove chemicals from a plant. Nutes, organic or not, are first broken down into a ION, the plant does not know the difference if it's from organic or not. ALSO, the plant uses both organic( fucking stupid hippy word) and inorganic minerals.
Yes, flushing does not remove anything its just giving the plant time to use up the rest of the nutrients in the soil. I dont overwater i flush by giving water for last 2 weeks like normal and let the plant go yellow, the less green the better at harvest i always say, the green is chlorophyll in the leaves which is what burns your throat most of the time after drying. I am 100% organic but i still like to stop feeding and let the plant fatten and yellow last two weeks and i usually bud for 9 weeks.
Yes, flushing does not remove anything its just giving the plant time to use up the rest of the nutrients in the soil. I dont overwater i flush by giving water for last 2 weeks like normal and let the plant go yellow, the less green the better at harvest i always say, the green is chlorophyll in the leaves which is what burns your throat most of the time after drying. I am 100% organic but i still like to stop feeding and let the plant fatten and yellow last two weeks and i usually bud for 9 weeks.
Man, Like I said, i really don't want to turn this into a big debate, but first off, you can't flush organics, yellowing at the end is not what you want, Just watched a kyle kushman video where he even says so. green is healthy, healthy is growing, yellowing is dying because you starved it. If organic, you just killed everything good in your soil that you should be using for your next grow.
organic is feeding the soil, soil feeds the plant
synthetic is feeding the plants and not the soil

about 1.49
