Lsd - what to expect?

Don't know if it cured shit but it showed you there's ways to manage..
Sounds like you had fun!!
Told you not to go outside :-)

hahaha yeah whodat told me to stay inside also on such a heavy dose for first time. glad I did though, had a spiritual eye opening moment outside when i was skeptical of the spiritual aspect that ppl told me about in the first place. A lot of ppl might say what i just said is stupid who haven't tried acid, but you can't judge a book by its cover yo.
I tripped for 3 months straight "relistening" to music and 3 more experiencing new music allways spun when I first started dosing..I couldn't get enough of a new dimension music now had..all the innuendos of lysergic context,quandaries of how or what the artist was thinking making that 'sound',was fantastic...
Oh its not that I can't get shit done,unless I got it to waste,I'd rather enjoy it...
My stash is getting low for my standards but I can change that anytime I suppose,I just want a good ten hours by myself and that ain't happening right
I tripped for 3 months straight "relistening" to music and 3 more experiencing new music allways spun when I first started dosing..I couldn't get enough of a new dimension music now had..all the innuendos of lysergic context,quandaries of how or what the artist was thinking making that 'sound',was fantastic...

yes man music was insane. couldn't describe better myself.

So when u gonna eat your first ten strip?

damn son 10 hits! i'l be down if i manage get my hands on that much lolol. but yeah i'd do it after a bit more experience though haha
Oh its not that I can't get shit done,unless I got it to waste,I'd rather enjoy it...
My stash is getting low for my standards but I can change that anytime I suppose,I just want a good ten hours by myself and that ain't happening right
yeah i understand man, i couldn't get 6 hours by myself lol
We tripped out in the Texas wilderness the other night, completely unfamiliar with the place and wandered out into the moonlight. After getting off the trail for a bit we seemed a little lost, just kept stumbling upon cactus patches and tufts of trees. My buddy who's less experienced than me gets a little panicky, and next thing I know he's got his pants down dropping turds on the side of the trail! Scared the shit out of him haha.

We made it back to the fire shortly after and tripped the fuck out. Ran out of beer which sucked, then watched the thousands of stars and these rays of ambient light stretching across the sky through the curves of the earth. Pretty rad this stuff is strong
We tripped out in the Texas wilderness the other night, completely unfamiliar with the place and wandered out into the moonlight. After getting off the trail for a bit we seemed a little lost, just kept stumbling upon cactus patches and tufts of trees. My buddy who's less experienced than me gets a little panicky, and next thing I know he's got his pants down dropping turds on the side of the trail! Scared the shit out of him haha.

We made it back to the fire shortly after and tripped the fuck out. Ran out of beer which sucked, then watched the thousands of stars and these rays of ambient light stretching across the sky through the curves of the earth. Pretty rad this stuff is strong
What stuff?
I got some wow and amber and silver and a lil needlepoint left..
Stash is getting low....I wanna eat that needlepoint but then I'll be out!! Noooooo!!
i love the stimulant part of lsd it makes my personalty 100x times, wish i had some for the party last night probably would of got laid makes me better with words, know what im sayin?

fucking love the drug, wish somebody sold it around here. it'd be a big pain in the ass to try and get some of that around here and it'd probably be fake or shitty quality anyways. I might be able to get somebody else to get me some out of town
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3 years?? thats gone bad by now i would say lol
Takes two hits and he's fucking Hoffman...:-)
Dude I lost a ten strip down a heat vent in a car,when the heater coil went out and the dash disassembled, it was found(along w a sack of nugs)by my mechanic buddy..been in there for years..heat, name it...
Still tripped balls.
Its like ice cream..even melted a little,its still really enjoyable...
Not to imply leave your stash under the hot water heater,def keep it cold and dark...but a little "life" isn't gonna do a terrible lot of harm,but it isn't helping it in the long run...