

Active Member
Who joins a grow site the day there plants die :confused:
ive been here awhile (phatsexygirlz) but i just came up with this username and thought it was better.

my girlfriend didnt believe me either when i woke her up to tell her. but she went and looked at it and said that it had been dead for years because of some fungal infection. i dont know WHY it just fell over now though, i can assure you i wish it hadnt. she convinced me we could salvage a couple, but 2 were completely destroyed (incl the biggest one of all), just flattened, ones main cola is in pieces and has been mostly stripped, and the least damaged one has about 1/4 - 1/3 of the actual plant still standing.


Well-Known Member
ive been here awhile (phatsexygirlz) but i just came up with this username and thought it was better.

Now that makes more sense:oops:,I just thought it was a little odd that you joined a grow site the day your plants died(I still wanna see those pics)I hope they recover and its not a total loss :peace:


Well-Known Member
Holy shit,

I've had fears about this exact same thing happening in my spot. Especially when a tree fell not to far from my spot blocking one of my trails leading to my spot. I have a ton of jack pines in my woods, and when the wind is just right they snap like toothpicks. Luckily they dont get much more than a few feet around, and all the folliage is at the top. I feel terrible for you man...This is my first grow too, and I know how much time, effort, money, and hopes and dreams go into raising your own..

Good Luck Nexy Year! Hopefully I dont wind up in the same boat...:?


Well-Known Member
now im pissed, i just picked up a 5 gram bag of like mid schwag dank shit for 60...it had a nice smell too it but its not woroth 60 for 5..he said it was some danker shit he had to pay more for and blah blah...usually i pay 8 gram for 60 .... can u put stuff in schwag that makes it smell like dank?? this stuff i have is decent schwag that has a nice smell and actually OK taste..you can actually taste dank...bbbah


Well-Known Member
It always seems odd to me why people like to call bullshit over everything in sight.

What about that story sounds like bullshit ?
I explained why I thought that on the last page,I'm guessing you didnt read the whole thread,and for the record this is the only time I have called bullshit on anything on this site.... And I still havnt seen the pics.LOL


New Member
Hey chewwy... didn't mean to bust your balls to hard! I'm just tired of the way some people on here treat newbies.

Such as if they ask a question that's been asked a 100 times people get pissed.

In your case i felt like you were calling the guy a liar...Which i stated before it made no sense to me to lie about a tree falling on his plants.

Maybe an appolagy to fogofweed is in order?


Well-Known Member
Hey chewwy... didn't mean to bust your balls to hard! I'm just tired of the way some people on here treat newbies.

Such as if they ask a question that's been asked a 100 times people get pissed.

In your case i felt like you were calling the guy a liar...Which i stated before it made no sense to me to lie about a tree falling on his plants.

Maybe an appolagy to fogofweed is in order?
No worries,There has been a few newbies on here tellin stories tryin to sound cool.I just thought it was wierd that the day his plants die he decides to register with this site,then he explained he changed his user name which makes sense,but until I see the picture of his 9 footer or the tree laying on em i'm still sceptical and if he ever posts a pic like he said he would I will gladly apologize for calling him out kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
aah man, thats harsh.....i can relate.....my grow is in the middle of a blowdown (no one with any smarts goes in unless they have a realy good reason) and random deadheads and shit are allways falling from the tops......i've allways had the fear of a tree actualy falling in it :S

the one thing i will consider a lie is a.......9 footer.....first timer.......like chewy said......i'm guna need pic's to believe that. but Tree Vs Marijuana.....tree usualy wins :D
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