Is it Just Me?


Well-Known Member
Well, at least you're male. Whenever I go to get as much as an oil change, I can expect the big grift the moment I pull into the bay. I fit the stereotype: female who doesn't know SHIT about cars. They see me coming a mile away. LOL. So I always just assume I'm getting ripped off. I love how I pull in for an oil change and suddenly they find all this other shit wrong with the car. And then speak to me as if I'm such a dumbass to even be driving this piece of shit given the condition it's in… Oh but they can fix it…..

I just always tell them, "Wwooooow, thank you very much. I had NO idea. I'll look into that though."

Giiirl, you know they're just stallin you for your presence. It's their only game; just to talk to you.



Well-Known Member
I am so sick of the "aggressive dog breeds" list used by landlords, property management companies, insurers. It's fucking horseshit. Here is the top ten list of aggressive dogs:

10 Dachsund
9 Chow
8 Jack Russell Terrier
7 Dalmation
6 Cocker Spaniel
5 Bull Terrier (Spuds McKenzie, not a pit bull)
4 Shar Pei
3. Pekinese
2. Beagle
1 Chihuahua

That is just about exactly how it is at the dog park. It's almost ALWAYS a little dog biting people, but they don;t report it. So there could be 100 small dog bites, but 1 big dog bite that gets reported and the big dog breeds are the dangerous assholes. It's like a 2 year old hitting you, it;s gonna happen 100 times but you don't report it. An adult hits you, and now it's a problem. Well, the small dogs at the park I frequent have bruised and drawn blood from adults and other dogs.

Let;s end the "aggressive dog breed" list. It's racist.

Dobermans, Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Boxers, not the problem. Besides, it's the owner that's the problem. We expect all people to be treated on their individual merits, how about we extend the same courtesy to dogs.

Is it just me?!?!?!?!?!?!!?


Well-Known Member
I am so sick of the "aggressive dog breeds" list used by landlords, property management companies, insurers. It's fucking horseshit. Here is the top ten list of aggressive dogs:

10 Dachsund
9 Chow
8 Jack Russell Terrier
7 Dalmation
6 Cocker Spaniel
5 Bull Terrier (Spuds McKenzie, not a pit bull)
4 Shar Pei
3. Pekinese
2. Beagle
1 Chihuahua

That is just about exactly how it is at the dog park. It's almost ALWAYS a little dog biting people, but they don;t report it. So there could be 100 small dog bites, but 1 big dog bite that gets reported and the big dog breeds are the dangerous assholes. It's like a 2 year old hitting you, it;s gonna happen 100 times but you don't report it. An adult hits you, and now it's a problem. Well, the small dogs at the park I frequent have bruised and drawn blood from adults and other dogs.

Let;s end the "aggressive dog breed" list. It's racist.

Dobermans, Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Boxers, not the problem. Besides, it's the owner that's the problem. We expect all people to be treated on their individual merits, how about we extend the same courtesy to dogs.

Is it just me?!?!?!?!?!?!!?
Is there a difference between being shot by a BB gun or a 12ga....they are both gonna sting o_O
P.S. the BB gun has a hair trigger


Well-Known Member
Well, I had a little dog bite me and it turned my calf black and blue (plus three puncture wounds) for a month. The woman grabbed her dog and yelled at me for picking on her dog. I was walking to pick up my dog's poop and did nothing to it. It's since bit four dogs and two other grown men, leaving the same damage. Nobody does anything because it's a little dog. If it was a pit bull, it would have been put down. It's not fair that Dobermans, Boxers, Pits, German Shepherds, and Rottweilers are ALL considered "aggressive breeds" and you cannot get insurance or rent a place because you have one.

It's racist and it needs to be changed.


Well-Known Member
Clayton do you know why they charge more to insure a race car?.....because the are more dangerous.
If a chewawa bites you, your likely to get your hand back with a few puncture marks. If a pitbull does the same thing, your lucky to have an arm ...


Well-Known Member

"Nationally, an estimated 21,840 injuries related to nonpowder guns were treated in emergency departments in 2000 — most in children aged 5 to 14, according to the report prepared by the American Academy of Pediatrics' Committee on Injury, Violence and Prevention."

but you can have a BB gun no problem. If You were denied the ability to rent a home, or be insured because you simply own a shotgun, I trust you would be irate. This has ALL gun deaths, not just shotguns, at 600 in 2010.


Well-Known Member
Clayton do you know why they charge more to insure a race car?.....because the are more dangerous.
If a chewawa bites you, your likely to get your hand back with a few puncture marks. If a pitbull does the same thing, your lucky to have an arm ...

I understand the damage part of the argument and agree that bigger dogs do bigger damage; however, to say that ALL pit bulls, ALL Dobermans, ALL Boxers, etc are aggressive and dangerous because a very small percentage bit someone is ridiculous. Are ALL sportscars involved in an accident? No, that is why they quote you based on YOUR driving record/age/etc.

Let's keep all things equal, please.

Furthermore, you can still get insurance for a sportscar, it may cost a little more, but it's available through every insurer. It is nearly impossible to find a place who will rent to anyone with "an aggressive dog breed (Dobermans, Boxers, Pits, Rottweilers, German Shepherds)". ZERO. Most companies will not write you a home owner's policy if you have one. It;s simply not fair to lump them all together.
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Well-Known Member
trust me Clayton, I must have shot my little brother 100times with a bb gun when we were mom wouldn't let me have a shotgun..:roll:
they are not equal


Well-Known Member
I am so sick of the "aggressive dog breeds" list used by landlords, property management companies, insurers. It's fucking horseshit.
Let;s end the "aggressive dog breed" list. It's racist..Is it just me?!?!?!?!?!?!!?
you need to add groundhogs to that list...those bitches are deadly ear biters.....its not just me either...its the mayor of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin.


Well-Known Member
Just to make sure I understand your position, you agree that you shouldn't be allowed to live in 99% of rental homes if you own a gun, and if you own your own home it's ok if insurers will not insure you because you own a gun, right?
Owning a gun just has a higher cost some places.....
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Well-Known Member
Years ago my gf's roommate asked me if I like NASCAR. I told him not really. I mean the cars are pretty, it sounds cool on high volume. there's lots of drinking involved, and the wrecks are fun to watch, but it wasn;t something I would ever really do. He was really into it and asked me to watch it for a few minutes. About a minute in they were talking about some driver named Dick Trickle and I started laughing and making fun of his name. He got pretty upset. Is it just me? I mean, was old Dick one of the pioneers of trolling? Is his name really Richard, or is it really Dick, and we have his parents to thank? DICK TRICKLE, and the guy never even noticed! Those NASCAR fans are serious fans.