TreeTop Growing !! ( ultra stelth)!!

i grow in a pot that is sat on a patio table and its like 5 feet from my neighbors yard and there old so they have no fucking clue what it is but one day they asked me what i was growing and i told them fuckers it was a bean stock for a science project but im only 16 so they believed me
i grew in a pot that is sat on a patio table and its like 5 feet from my neighbors yard and there old so they have no fucking clue what it is but one day they asked me what i was growing and i told them fuckers it was a bean stock for a science project but im only 16 so they believed me
i was sixteen when i lived at that house. but anyway it got like 2 feet big and i had to chop it down because it was too noticeable and you could see it from the street
haha you slipped ! yer only 16

run for the hills boy !!!

if i was 16 how would i be able to own these?





im like that too. my "barney the dinosaur" pajamas pinch my nuts something fierce, but i just cant give em up.

jk dude. just havin a little giggle wit ya.

dude fuck barney man i got some pj's with that chinese crime fighting dog i forgot his name though. but every time i get super baked and watch boomerang he is always on,, (marijuana afects the memery)
I am growing in trees right now, and one trick if your paranoid about copters is, take some of the leaves from the tree and put them on top of your soil, this way to black soil wont be so noticeable.

Grow on growers : )
I am really intrigued by this idea... The pulley system may be difficult though, because when you pull your bucket/burlap sack up and anchor the rope at the ground, I would guess the bucket will swing, since you didn't get up there and wedge it in. Still, I am fairly sure I'll be looking for trees once my babies that are cooking indoors get to about a foot tall or so. I just hope I'll be able to harvest before Fall.
There was an article a few months back in a weed 'zine I buy... can't remember if it was Cannabis Culture, High Times, or HEADS. I'll have to go through the pile and find it... at any rate, some guy was going on and on about how in college he and his buddies grew in treetops near their dorm. They actually had these big-assed buckets (from 5 gallon to trash can sized) tied to branches and tree trunks with ropes, and there was some sort of crazy watering system set up in the tree - yes they actually had a res in the tree.

Found it - Cannabis Culture Magazine, issue #63 (Nov/Dec '06) Page 70.
I have soem pictures of my tree grow right now, if you guys can find it. Just transplanted so hes lookin a bit rough, but still standing tall : )
the plant would get bugged infested and it would be a pain to cliomb up the tree all the time to check the status
You are not worry about police flying over in there choppers and seeing those plants in buckets.About 1982 a guy in fla. got busted doing the same thing,growing in a tree in his back yard.He had 9 plants I think he got out of the pen sometime two years ago.He got 25years for growing.Back in that time the cops were in the woods more than on the streets.I know this cause they got my first big outside grow I ever done.You plant and go away and come back 3 months later to check on them {they look great} you leave and come back when it's time to cut it down ,Bang all there is left is bear ground and alot of foot prints and no pot plants.There was a stick stuck in the ground with a business card saying{IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE YOUR PLANTS BACK COME ON DOWN TO THE SHERIFF OFFICE AND CLAIM THEM}.The TV news showed them hauling them to a power plant too burn them up.Four pickup trucks loaded up, with a police escort all the way.Thats a true story and I'am sticken to it. Peace
obviously you didn't read a thread from a few days ago that i replied to! i've been putting my plants in trees for a few years now. [ you stole my idea!... jk jk]

5 gallon bucket spray painted green.
green bungee cords.
find a nice notch up in the tree to place the bucket in.
tie it up.

it was invisible as can be, and right at the tree top for perfect lighting.

[be careful, one fell out in a storm, and the main branch practially snapped... but then it came back stronger than the rest, so it worked out..

me and my "bus. partner" jus found sum select trees we plan on using...i also thought noe 1 had ever thought of this...goin to the spot to do sum trimmin this week
You are not worry about police flying over in there choppers and seeing those plants in buckets.About 1982 a guy in fla. got busted doing the same thing,growing in a tree in his back yard.He had 9 plants I think he got out of the pen sometime two years ago.He got 25years for growing.Back in that time the cops were in the woods more than on the streets.I know this cause they got my first big outside grow I ever done.You plant and go away and come back 3 months later to check on them {they look great} you leave and come back when it's time to cut it down ,Bang all there is left is bear ground and alot of foot prints and no pot plants.There was a stick stuck in the ground with a business card saying{IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE YOUR PLANTS BACK COME ON DOWN TO THE SHERIFF OFFICE AND CLAIM THEM}.The TV news showed them hauling them to a power plant too burn them up.Four pickup trucks loaded up, with a police escort all the way.Thats a true story and I'am sticken to it. Peace

dont be stupid and put 9 plants in a single tree !!
space them out, and dont use white buckets.
YO sounds like a good idea but u'd have to be a dumbass to do it where i live due to all the helicopters/FLIR's flying over my house. Someone on this post said pine trees have the same signature as pot plants is this true?
i have known of a great way for growing outdoors for years now, and i have not once seen a thread on here about my method. i thought i would share my knowledge, for you growers who have never thought of this.
My method is growing your plants at the top of a tree or trees.
by growing at the top of a tree, your plants will recive a great deal of light, that is not availible on the ground.

there are a few different ways to grow your plant at the top of a tree.
one is to grow your plant in a bucket, and set it up on a pully system. the advantage of using a pully system is that you dont have to climb to the top of the tree to check your plant. if its on a pully, you only have to only climb, say 10 feet, then lower your bucket on the pully system, do what is needed, then send it back to the top.
to decide on a tree; find a tree that has low branches, so you can climb into the tree. you just need a tree that is easy to climb. and has a nice canopy.

once you have the tree you will use; then you have to climb to the top, and find the spot where your bucket/plant will rest.
the spot where your plant should be, should be as close to the top of the tree as possible, if not the very top. you should clear out any main branches that will be blocking light from your plant.
if done properly, you plant will recive tons of light, and will grow Huge!, and simply replace the top of a tree.
if you find a tree that is easy to climb all the way to the top, you dont even need a pully system. just somehow keep your bucket mounted at the top of the tree. i found a way in my tree, to just wedge the bucket in place, and it sits upright.
if you decide to grow in the tops of trees, you dont have to grow just one plant. i found it very easy to grow 4 plants per tree. you can also grow in more than just one tree. you could grow in 5 trees, and have 3 plants in each. or you could grow in 5 trees, with one plant in each. its really up to you, and the tree you picked.
a 6 foot tall plant, isnt even the least bit noticeable sticking out of the top of a tree, i really think this is a great method, if you dont want to risk getting caught, or your crop stolen. also using this method, you will get very large, very potent buds, if done correctly.

Tips: if you are using a white bucket to grow in; you should camoflauge the bucket to match the tree, make your bucket the two main colors of the tree your growing in. find spray paint that is close to the color of the bark of the tree, and the green leaves. if done right, your bucket will be virtually invisible.
also, if you use a pully system: use green ropes, and spray paint the pullys, so they dont shine.

well good luck to anyone who uses my method...its a great one. have fun yall

Ya man this is one of the best techniques. Works the best for some nice good outdoor strains.. I have some older men that do that around here and have let me in on it.. Right now i have a friend and we are going to both help each other out and do it