lol Cool story

[QUOTflaxunnar&carey, post: 11289978, member: 893190"]That funny bro im so gald i live in Colorado[/QUOTE]
I am glad to be in Oregon we are legal also
legal on July 1st right?
Two county's have said they are dropping all current pot cases and not prosecuting new one, and have instructed police to not cite any new as long as it comply with new law, but to me it's a gray area, pot is also legal just a few miles away in Washington, loads are crossing the river to get legal from stores in Vancouver
little do they know I have 2 plants growing in the back of the house,, trick is not to panic when your fully stealth, oh and the two cops are here for dinner,

I am so down with that! Man these guys are bad ass to do the job they do. They're stuck between the system and hated by so many? Why? Gonna bitch when they are there and when they don't show up to help you face for whatever looming disaster. They're soldiers. Not lawmakers. They are given a job they actually volunteer for and tasks they may not wanna do. But, they must follow procedure. I ain't scared of cops. I have only grown for personal medicinal and have a real job too. To pay the bills. Much respect for those guys and their fams.

Good post bro. Update your other one.
I am so down with that! Man these guys are bad ass to do the job they do. They're stuck between the system and hated by so many? Why? Gonna bitch when they are there and when they don't show up to help you face for whatever looming disaster. They're soldiers. Not lawmakers. They are given a job they actually volunteer for and tasks they may not wanna do. But, they must follow procedure. I ain't scared of cops. I have only grown for personal medicinal and have a real job too. To pay the bills. Much respect for those guys and their fams.

Good post bro. Update your other one.
Exactly, they're soldiers. We don't need soldiers playing cops and robbers. That being said, some cops are cool but most people that become cops do so in order to attain some kind of power or authority and not to actually help the community. It's all about ego.
uugghhhh, you made a statement, that i quoted to preserve for future generations to see just how dumb some people are, it was not an opinion...but yes, you can think or do whatever you please as far as i care. carry on!
Fucking straight out hahha..:wall:
Fair from soldiers in my opinion.. That's an insult to soldiers. Police are weak:finger:
Police or soldiers, both are tools of government oppression. Both are weak, you have to be to give up your personal will, to be under complete control and ownership of a government. Neither are there for protection or defense any more, just control and coercion.
You should find a girlfriend or something, these kind of LOOK AT ME THREADS are really revealing about your personality and character....
Dirty stinking pigs.. how about we take allbthecops away and see how that works out. I am a former junkie on methadone daily still getting harassed, but you must keep your composure.

They r not all the same trust me..my dad has a cop friend and Wed have dinner. He wouldn't Bring him to our house but still.