Fox farm grow big...any good for outdoors

is see so many different ways people feed there plants with this,,,i plan on using this when there in veg stage.....whens the can I use this product..asa there in veg or a little befor,,,,should go half serving at first and is there anything i can use besides this
Alote better cheaper nutes out there

Grow big will work great too. Go by half the Jutes on the recommend use. And go from there. They will let you know, if they need a stronger feed
I have used both grow big and tiger bloom as well as big bud from FF and they all work as advertised. I am also a fan of roots organic dry nutes, super easy to use and full of great stuff.
Foxfarm Nutrients are pretty decent and if you plan on using them do as someone else said and start at half strength and work your way up slowly as the plant grows bigger and can handle more. Don't go crazy and let the plant tell you what it needs and don't feed it for about 3 weeks after sprout.
Best thing to remember; All growers have some of there own habits, and make choices that fit them, and their grow methods. With that said; Find a nutrient system that you feel comfortable with, and use it for a year or 2. This will develop your own habits, methods, and beliefs!

Foxfarm is a very popular choice, and many will be able to help you. Peace
Best thing to remember; All growers have some of there own habits, and make choices that fit them, and their grow methods. With that said; Find a nutrient system that you feel comfortable with, and use it for a year or 2. This will develop your own habits, methods, and beliefs!

Foxfarm is a very popular choice, and many will be able to help you. Peace
Spoken like a true professional I so agree with your statement until I stumbled upon this site I'd really never heard of Fox Farm or any of the other nutes talked about on this site.....pick one work with it for a while and see how you like it and most importantly how well it works for you..... Good luck and Happy Growing !
5 gallon buckets
How is your climate? Im asking all this because these details will give me an idea of how much of this product you will use. I use fox farm products (soil, whole nute line). I live in Colorado, its super windy, I do about 15-20 plants in 5 gal pots on my deck, then I have some in the ground and also indoors. I follow the feeding schedule when outdoors(@ 2x;s a week), I only feed once indoors a week. Depending on your climate and weather conditions will depend on how much you use.
Also, what kind of soil are you using for veg? does it have nutes in them already? Soil with nutes in will feed your plants for about a month outside. I have to water my deck plants twice a day sometimes due to the winds, they get good flushes inbetween feedings this way. Depending on climate will also let us know what kind of pesticides you will need to have on hand that are a neccessity