going without weed for an extended time


Well-Known Member
any tips?? I am going to get this internship which requires a background check and I am going to have to stop for 3 months because I am getting flown out of state and dont want to take chances.

Today I had my last blunt and I am going to have to find other ways to get my mind off things... anyone got any advice?


Well-Known Member
Books. Lots and lots of books. A good one to start with is Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.


Well-Known Member
alchol, masturbation, porn, psychedelics, ummmm pretty much anything that generally bothers society seems to be relaxing... at least for me

kiss it society kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
nice one lol

but yeah, just anything that'll keep your mind off of smoking. something that'll actually make you think. Easier said then done though.


Well-Known Member
Hard exercise is good, lovely flood of endorphins is great early in the day...
Also, internet poker is good to eat up time, if that helps...
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Exercise was a good idea, eating right might be a good idea too. For some reason exercise and eating right seem to help people with addictions. It gets your body to adapt to the change of quitting and helps your mind to adapt to a new routine.

nunya binnis

Active Member
find another internship. some things in life are more important.

...hard work good and hard work fine, but first take care of heeeeaad...


Well-Known Member
It totally sucks and I strongly don't recommend it.:?
lol ur telling me... but I got no choice really I have to go without the weed right now I don't want ot screw up my chances of getting this internship which is most likely going to lead to a good job...

I am on day one and it seems like everywehre I turn something reminds me that I wanna smoke but I'm surviving lol...

I appreciate all the ideas everyone :peace:


Well-Known Member
drink in excess
I'm actually not much of a drinker but I find that if I have a couple beers and smoke a cigarette it helps with the temptation... now before everyone starts to say how horrible cigs are and weed is much better... I already know that but they don't do drug tests for cigarettes, they do it for stupid shit like weed.

If this was a perfect world they would only test me for serious drugs and not something minor like weed, but this isn't a perfect world and as a "professional smoker" (or a pothead whihcevery ou perfer) I missed all my smoking times throughout my day off today.... the morning smoking, the afternoon smoking, the after dinner smoking, and the before bed smoking.


Well-Known Member
All I can say is watch your mood... I just got into a fight with the girl last night because my dumbass smoked too much, then ran out. I'm so moody when I don't have it. Read. Come on here, post in Toke 'n Talk. Read what people say, read every DIY journal you can. Keep yourself busy... I gotta fix a hole in the wall now that I mention it.....


Well-Known Member
i've been smoking daily for 9 yrs and cannot stand a day without smoking. the last time i smoked was on june 19. just keep yourself busy, the first 2 week will be hard but after that it gets easy.


Active Member
just take one day at a time, and remember one day you will be able to and you will be better and older and ready. also sleep as much as you need. when your body goes through those type of changes it often demands lots of sleep. don't fight it, enjoy it.


Active Member
Hmm.. How to get by without smoking weed.. The answer is, Spice Diamond!

Or there's also Smoke, But I don't like the taste of that as much..

Have to say, if you really can't have the real deal, whether unable to attain or just plain not allowed, this stuff's great! And you can't get caught in a drug test because it's legal!

*This comes from experience of unatainability - I like using big words when I'm baked!

Wish you well if you chose to just stop altogether (or anyone quitting that reads this) and I remember getting into fitness (I chose cycling, fixie-fied as I find it interesting and not too strenuous on the knees like jogging!) since I had the energy to do stuff) and there's nothing stopping you! The hardest part is the initial cravings you have, like I'd nearly be punching walls (invested in a punch bag/stress toy) and once you get through that it's much easier, then you start to prefer not toking.. Then you'll find a way back to it years later when the job isn't an issue! :P

Best of luck!
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Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone fro the positive feedback... It always helps to hear from other ppl on how they go through stuff like this, talking to the common person about not smoking and they would probably laugh at you and say well you shouldn't have started. But I am going to keep myself busy as many people have suggested and this next week I am actually going to the beach for a week on a vacation... the good thing is that there's not a ton of temptations around me all the time so I am just going to relax and enjoy.