Two eyes for an eye


Well-Known Member
Did the bad man really get you so cheap....a fuckin' Peanut butter and jelly sandwich???

Oh bucky, I apologize, now I know the source of your fuckedupedness. Again, my apologies.

I'd say by the age of 17 most erm "children" do not shit on floors. What would you say?

So, by your answer you seem to be saying that a voluntary agreement isn't a voluntary agreement if you don't like the circumstances? Is that right ? How does the nature of a voluntary agreement somehow make it "not voluntary" ? I wonder if you could answer that for me?
at what age would you say a child can make a "voluntary agreement" with an old man for sex?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
at what age would you say a child can make a "voluntary agreement" with an old man for sex?
I think you meant "which age" .

You seem obsessed with this line of questioning and completely unable to answer the questions I've asked you.

Also, it's a little creepy to think of you and the bad man. I suppose you must have really liked Peanut butter and jelly huh ?

To answer, your question, I don't know. I suppose it depends on how much you liked peanut butter as a kid.

So, when do you come out with the "and I will leave the site forever thing"? I really miss those.

Which age do you think a person is able to make a voluntary agreement ?

Does the nature of a persons agreement change whether it is voluntary or not?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
so you think that a store owner should be able to kick someone else out of their store on the basis of skin color?

Is it their store ?

Are you saying you would initiate force to take away a persons right to control their own body and their property? That's what prohibitionists you shit on floors.


Well-Known Member
Is it their store ?

Are you saying you would initiate force to take away a persons right to control their own body and their property? That's what prohibitionists you shit on floors.

"If I can't discriminate and oppress others, I'm not truly free."

Inb4 my VA disability gets compared to rape.


Well-Known Member
I think you should "be able to" control your OWN property, or it's not yours. That doesn't mean I approve of or would do what you do with your property though does it ?

You sure sound very prohibitionist like in the way you like to have some people control others.

So you think a person or a group of person should be able to force somebody to serve them or associate with them? Can you explain why you think that way?
P R I V A T E- C L U B solves your problem Rob Roy Miller
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member

"If I can't discriminate and oppress others, I'm not truly free."

Inb4 my VA disability gets compared to rape.

For an alleged smart guy, you can be pretty dense.

Please explain how a person remaining on their own property is oppressing a person that comes to their property and says under threat of force to them, you must serve me. Are you saying that it is okay for a person to go to another persons property and remain there knowing full well the owner would rather not have them there?

Also, please explain the difference between indifference and an actionable harm.

Discrimination? Are you saying that a person has no right to decide who they will associate with and that if you want to associate with somebody that you have the right to force the association? Isn't that what a rapist does? Forcing somebody that isn't forcing you ? Isn't that a rapist tactic? (rape element added for your titillation)

I bet you won't answer those questions will you?

Forcing people to associate or keeping people from associating that want to are both wrong, wouldn't you agree?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Rob Roy. You are racist. You are free to be that, just as others are free to make fun of you for it.
No I am not. I am an advocate of consensual human interactions. It sounds like you are not.

You are uninformed and have drawn the wrong conclusion. Plus your high school year book picture in your avatar makes me think you might be the Asst. Manager of Wendy's now.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
P R I V A T E- C L U B solves your problem Rob Roy Miller

I don't have a problem. I think people should be free to associate or not associate based on the mutual consent of the persons involved.

You do not. You think it is okay for some people to force an association, which is an element of slavery.

Also, when government breaks your legs and then hands you crutches some would not view that as a solution.


Well-Known Member
Rob Roy. You are racist. You are free to be that, just as others are free to make fun of you for it.
Have you not internalized the right wing mantras? If you don't recognize white superiority, you're racist. If you don't hate all Muslims, you're a bigot. If you are offended by racial slurs, you're a fascist who wants to cull words.

Also, everything Rob Roy doesn't like is similar to rape,
For an alleged smart guy, you can be pretty dense.

Please explain how a person remaining on their own property is oppressing a person that comes to their property and says under threat of force to them, you must serve me. Are you saying that it is okay for a person to go to another persons property and remain there knowing full well the owner would rather not have them there?

Also, please explain the difference between indifference and an actionable harm.

Discrimination? Are you saying that a person has no right to decide who they will associate with and that if you want to associate with somebody that you have the right to force the association? Isn't that what a rapist does? Forcing somebody that isn't forcing you ? Isn't that a rapist tactic? (rape element added for your titillation)

I bet you won't answer those questions will you?

Forcing people to associate or keeping people from associating that want to are both wrong, wouldn't you agree?

You're just not interesting enough for me to read your bs when I can already guess the content.

Rape comparison, free market, no true Scotsmen, rinse repeat.

Inb4 the civil rights movement gets compared to rape.


Well-Known Member
No I am not. I am an advocate of consensual human interactions. It sounds like you are not.

You are uninformed and have drawn the wrong conclusion. Plus your high school year book picture in your avatar makes me think you might be the Asst. Manager of Wendy's now.
You have not convinced me that you are not racist. Please keep trying.

See the difference between you and me is that you think calling me an Asst Manager at Wendy's is some sort of dig, when I would say that you being a technical team lead of a Fortune 1000 company, making a measly $130,000 a year, would be a dig for me.

Do you see how we don't even play in the same ballpark brah?