Pawn Stars must be stopped.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
But, for the record, Chumlie gets a pass from me. He is humble and amusing.
Chums cool. The dad(bald guy) I think his names rick. Thinks he's hilarious guy cracks up at all his own jokes... and His fat son thinks he's to cool for school. I used to watch that show all the time...


Active Member
It amazes me that people continue to watch these fake reality shows. It isn't reality when everything is scripted and staged.

I know a gentleman who is filming a realty show about his business for one of the networks. After watching a few preproduction clips it was interesting to see how people acted versus knowing them personally. I can't blame them though, I would do it in a heart beat. I'd sell tacky tshirts, bumper stickers, and beer cozies at WalMart until I milked every damn penny then retire to the mountains.


Well-Known Member
It amazes me that people continue to watch these fake reality shows. It isn't reality when everything is scripted and staged.
I am afraid that the lies are more entertaining, much more profitable and require far less thought than actual non-fake ones. We seem to be buying that brand.

Chums cool. The dad(bald guy) I think his names rick. Thinks he's hilarious guy cracks up at all his own jokes... and His fat son thinks he's to cool for school. I used to watch that show all the time...
I heard that the production crew says his name is "Big Hoss" because "as long as the show has him on it, it is like being tied to a big hoss as it tumbles over a cliff.


Well-Known Member
that show is staged just like any other tv show, ive seen a few episodes but the layout was all the same. some guy comes in the shop says he wants something the guy starts laughing and lowballs him then hes like oh shit wait i got a buddy of mine that knows someone who knows so much about this shit. then some guy comes in and gives you a history lesson about the stuff the guy brings in then they always negotiate a deal and play dramatic music. every episode is exactly the same


Well-Known Member
I used to watch that show a lot.

Chumlee is a dick IMO. "Big Hoss" is the same way.

Rick and the "Old Man" are alright I guess.

The "history" lessons on some of the stuff the bring in can be kind of interesting. I wonder how much of it is actually true.
Aside from that aspect though there really isn't much appeal to the show.

I always hated the episodes where they did nothing but dive into everyone's personal lives.