Funny story, growing up I rode greyhounds quite a bit, anywhere from 100 mile short stints to 1500 mile long hauls, been through a lot of different terminals, one of the main terminals I used was Salt Lake City, Utah. Now this last summer I went and visited some family in Washington state and ended up taking greyhound back to my home state. Not once in all of my travels had there ever been TSA or any kind of baggage checks, and the one time I have stuff on me, we are waiting in line to board in Salt Lake and TSA walks up and says we are going thru carry on bags. Now, I'm roughly at the back of the line and all my stuff is in my carry on, so I head over to my checked bag and transfer a few things over. Meanwhile I'm telling the other passengers that if they are carrying anything illegal such as "knives", to transfer them to your under bus bags. Longer story short, TSA half heartedly looked into the tops of bags with a flashlight and then cleared us for take-off. Figured I would share this story with you because nobody else really had any personal stories involving security at bus stops. And this is something to keep in mind. This is actually my first post and I made an account to share this with you folks, I've been an avid forum follower and have even promoted the site to a few friends who were looking for information on a certain topic at times. But nonetheless its a pleasure to join the RIU site.