people who are against homosexuality

are GAY... you know it.. I know it.. everybody knows it.. just come to terms with it... what you hate most is what you are... the more you bash.. the more your insecurity BEAMS to the world..

and yes,, you may have not come to terms wit the fact that you want KAK in your mouth... but the rest of us can see it clearly... and w will accept your gay ways... its all good... Love baby.... love!!!

accept the love...

regardless if you want monster KAK from your friendly neighbor in the bathroom stall next to you.. or if you are into fine ladies from the sunny beaches of california... either way.. just chill out and quit hating...

And defintley quit hiding behind the republican party... how many gay bashing homophobic GAYS are there in that party?.. Is the entire republican party GAY and just afraid to come out?

They just keep coming out of the closet one by one.. or shall I say, they keep gettig pulled out of the closet....


anyway.. happy love making to all and to all the republicans out there, it is ok... your gay.. it's fine.... nobody thinks less of you except other people who are afraid they might be exposed too!!!!


What the FUCK! This has to be an all-time lamest post!
I think men having sex with each other is disgusting. I also think eating squash or raw fish is disgusting too. I don't think those that do any of these things should be punished or treated negatively either. People being gay has no negative consequences for me.

I get angry that other people attempt to regulate pot smoking even though it has no effect on them at all and I see gays having to go through the same frustrations that marijuana users do. (well except that its not illegal to be gay)
I couldn't care less about a person's sexual preference. Who you fuck and how is between you and your partner; there's no call for legal or moral indignation. I suggest people mind their own business.
barrelhse well said... listen to ccodiane everything he says will help destroy mankind and any peace in it.... where is hitler???? in ccod's bunker with larry craig and liberachi
one more thought....

I define "wrong" -

1. getting your KAK pierced
2. fecal art
3. over drying ganja
4. you interupting me when I am shagging your girlfriend
5. aa life without sweat and exercise

thank you

How can you suggest having my "KAK" pierced is wrong? My wife likes it. Three out of four ex girl friends liked it. I'm OK with it. How could something that feels so right, be wrong? Have you ever had a KAK piercing? Or is this just latent piercing envy, Knowm? Or, do needles scare you? Remember, it only hurts for a little while. And after the sex, you will both be able to think of something to say.
cant stand gay men that act feminine and lesbians who dress and act like men.....why??? Do they like the same sex or just want to be a different sex themselves all of the above or what???
I'm very neutral when it comes to homosexuality. I'm a Libertarian, so I believe that people should be able to debase themselves in any way they want to. :blsmoke:

I don't think being judgmental towards judgmental people is an answer to anything. Additionally, I don't think gay or straight makes shit of difference as long as you leave others alone. Whats prompting this hostility toward the ignorant?