Male and Female


Active Member
I had 2 outdoor plants, one i found out it was a male few weeks ago and cut that down. couple weeks after cutting down the male plant, i found out the second one was a female, but now I've noticed that it has balls on the bottom of couple branches. Did the male plant pollinate the female?



Well-Known Member
There are informed people here who would disagree with you. Please explain why keeping a genetic cripple is a good idea?

He can cut off the pollen sacs and the bud will still be smokable. Please explain why no cannabis is better than lightly seeded cannabis.


Well-Known Member
He can cut off the pollen sacs and the bud will still be smokable. Please explain why no cannabis is better than lightly seeded cannabis.
In a way you may be correct, but it seems like more trouble than it would be worth. I would suggest getting some more seeds going, right away.


Well-Known Member
the female looks fine and healthy,no balls on it whatsoever,if it was a herm then yes it should be killed,seedy pot sucks all together no matter what prospective you look at


Well-Known Member
the female looks fine and healthy,no balls on it whatsoever,if it was a herm then yes it should be killed,seedy pot sucks all together no matter what prospective you look at
I have no weed. I haven't had any weed for the last few weeks. There has been no weed around here all summer. I'm growing outdoors, but I don't have anything until october-ish. I would much rather have free weed with a few seeds with it than not have anything at all.

See? From that perspective, no, it should not be killed.


Active Member
the female looks fine and healthy,no balls on it whatsoever,if it was a herm then yes it should be killed,seedy pot sucks all together no matter what prospective you look at
i beg to differ some seeds aint bad it depends how it all goes down .


Active Member
when i cut the "sacs" off, more pistils grew out of it, so is it a full female, and not a hermie? I only see those "sacs" only couple places on the plant, rest of them don't have "sacs"


Well-Known Member
when i cut the "sacs" off, more pistils grew out of it, so is it a full female, and not a hermie? I only see those "sacs" only couple places on the plant, rest of them don't have "sacs"
For sure a will be battling the little nuts the whole grow if you plan on continually removing them. Do as the others suggest....kill he/she or just let the shemale do it's thing and have some bud....with seeds but still bud.


Well-Known Member
i also have a male plant that i removed from the rest of the grow and is growing in my greenhouse it is a good distance away and inside so it wont polnate the others unless a bee comes in the green house and takes some polin and then polnates my females but i dout that. any ways i want to make hash with the male or something what would you suggest i dont have any money to buy bubble bags so what could i do to make hash with this male plant? should i just let it grow untill it's big as it gets heres a picture of it.



Well-Known Member
i also have a male plant that i removed from the rest of the grow and is growing in my greenhouse it is a good distance away and inside so it wont polnate the others unless a bee comes in the green house and takes some polin and then polnates my females but i dout that. any ways i want to make hash with the male or something what would you suggest i dont have any money to buy bubble bags so what could i do to make hash with this male plant? should i just let it grow untill it's big as it gets heres a picture of it.​
That is a really nice looking male. Put some of the pollen in a ziplock bag and stick it in the fridge for future breeding. People used to use a small silk screen to sift the plant choppings from the trichomes. I guess you can still buy a cheap silk screen for under $20 at an art supply store.