Warren couple files lawsuit over raid


Active Member
pretty amusing seeing that "blue wall" crumble and everyone ratting on each other. when the jury sees how the police regard any users person belongings as their own private walmart, heads will roll.


Well-Known Member
Problem is who makes up the juries, its not done fairly. In many juries eyes, the police can do no wrong...plus the cops are experts on testifying, they know what to say and what not to say

Like when lying, never say yes or no, its better to say "I do not recall"....this way U are not pin in a spot if proof comes out what really happens...then its, "oh yeah, now I recall"


Well-Known Member

ECORSE (AP) -- A man shocked by Ecorse police with a stun gun while he played drums in his basement can sue the officers over their use of force.

A federal appeals court says the officers don't have immunity in a lawsuit filed by William Lucier. Ecorse officers were called to his home in 2010 after his wife said Lucier was breaking dishes and glasses.

But when police arrived, Lucier was in the basement, drunk and playing drums with his eyes closed. Officers fired their Tasers at him when he stood up. They claim he had thrown his drumsticks at them and tried to flee, although Lucier's wife disagrees.

The appeals court said Tuesday the officers aren't entitled to immunity when there are very different accounts of what happened.


Well-Known Member
Thats all thats there, must be much more to this and watch, the cops might well try to appeal this appeal ruling, its far from over


Well-Known Member
A Warren couple whose medical marijuana operation was raided by the Detroit Police Department’s narcotics unit have filed a civil lawsuit against the officers, including one who killed himself after being investigated for corruption by the FBI and Internal Affairs.
How the hell is Detroit police at a warren home conducting a raid? This shits gunna hammer the nails in the DEA's coffin forsure! The good thing about crooked people is that they get found out eventually...Let justice roll down!


Well-Known Member
The police are getting more rights while the people get less rights. This has been going on for while, police working outside their assign area....if U wanna truly escape their reach, U gotta leave the country..which they made harder to do with that passport requirement and plus other countries are more strict on whom they allow in