first time grow:)


Well-Known Member
I used veg nutes and switched before I could get my flowering nutes and one thing lead to another and the budget couldn't afford them yet...Bills sucks js haha
Miracle grow or tomato bloom or any other cheap generic still work. Just do light feedings and look for the bloom stuff.


Active Member
there's nothing wrong with mircle grow and other cheap brands <<<< brands ahhhh hate them :)

i use a a cheap bloom and its the same as brand names ..... The ingredients on the back are EXACTLY. The same :)
Weight dnt matter to me as much as density and potenticy I just hope its not to late in flower for the nutes to kick in and help. Defiantly getting the 2 fox farm flowering nutes this weekend. Starting nutes on week 5 isn't terrible is it?


Active Member
Thank you guys. Its not to late to start flower nutes right? And ya I can't afford a hps light.
you know 400w cfl cost the same to run as 400hps :)

400w is 400w wether its 400w of eggs lol

i went from 400w cfl to hps and my electric bill is 30p more a day with the fans etc.

a ballast cost me £20 and hps cost £10 ....... How much is 400w cfl ? More than £10 for sure :)

its only the ballast and maybe an extra fan which will cost you to set up :)

just saying buddy :)
Start up cost wise it was more expensive...HP's vs cfl HP's is more expensive. I had to go as cheap as I could. I'm thinking this summer when the moneys Right I'm investing in a grow tent and a HP's light


Well-Known Member
Why is that?
Folks just be hatin bro. I do kinda feel sorry for the girls though. You went to town for REALZ on the trimming. I wouldn't cut any more off. Get you some cheap bloom fert. Under feed what it calls for like maybe 25%. Then up it a little at a time. Maybe them bitches will perk up a bit. Lol at @rob333. "Mate" comment kinda tells me he don't know how to treat US folks. Ya just look the other way and its against the law to hurt a bitches feelings.