Machiavellianism VS The New Wirearchy

Finn it was never my intention to sign up on this forum just to be an ass. I signed up with the intent of being taken seriously as a grower and knowledgable member, then I found TNT and realized that nothing is off limits here.
The reason I'm telling you this is because you seem to really want to be taken seriously as a guru or Soma jr or something. But the way you go about it feels more like you like the shitstorm your threads create.

What's up with the lack of interaction? Your threads are all one way, you start a thread with like 10 post and overload them with info. Some of it is actually good info but, that is not how you act with someone in real life correct?

So you just met someone and Yall said "hi" shook hands and the obligatory "nice to meet you" then you go on a 2 hour spill of what ever you looked up on the web that morning, with out letting them get a word in. No one does that, there should be a mutual back and forth.

I'm ok with talking about random stuff with you but thats not what you want. You want to stand behind a podium and preach. You're from Texas so it's hard to get out of that churchy type of attitude like I'm better then you and I know more then you.

Don't think I'm giving you shit. Can you try to have a normal convo with someone? Or do you want everyone to sit on a pew and just listen quietly? I just don't think whatever you're trying to do is gonna work.

I bet you don't even reply to this post just like you ignored my PM
I have joined plenty of threads and the trolls follow me wherever I go. I would rather just let them bump my threads and talk to people in private.

Well, I can only speak for myself. I wouldn't. But I am sure that there are a few that would. Mainy is all over George's case on other sites. I suppose that it is just
part of the terrain on the big ole internets. But I am guessing that you are mistaken in most cases. If you keep pissing on the acceptable social norms, you are going to get similar reactions no matter where you go. Don't just chalk that up to a few people. If you have that same reaction from everybody you meet ... It might be you.

When I was your age I spent a lot of time socializing. Most of us do at this age. I get the feeling that you don't. That you have been shut out by pretty much every social circle you have ever been in for a significant amount of time. Think back Fin. Did you act like you do here with other people before they shut you out? Is it happening again while you are on the lam? Or are your expectations so low that you pretty much just hang out in your uncle's garage?

But mY point is... Change your game Fin. Don't post like you do now. Long, boring copy and paste manifestos that aren't interactive. Try to engage in some two way discussions. If you have a hard time with this because people keep blowing you off - try talking about something else. You can still be as mystic as you want on your own. And if you meet some people that want to spend time with you, you can open up a bit.

Dude, there is something grating about the way you post. Change your game or find a new venue. Have you tried Burning Man?