what if the second coming is true ??


Active Member
we all know the second coming of Jesus is booyaa , i mean half religious people don't even believe anything about Jesus ...... Which makes the second coming even more booyaa ...... Let alone some prophet are messiah.......it really is nonsense but each to there own.

anyway with all the booyaa aside what do you think Jesus or anyone coming back in his name when would actually do if he came back ?

personal requests are forbidden:) ........ " yo Jesus dude , turn this mud into weed bro "

gooooooood luck :)
According to "Revelation 3:12", Jesus said that he would have a "NEW NAME".

So, if you believe in the Bible, you should know that the new Christ will NOT be named Jesus.

you keep hanging in there buddy :)

im sure sometime in your life someone may feel sorry for you and join your government:) just keep hanging in there buddy ;)

never stop trying , hold on to what you believe.....
even if its untrue :)

good luck and don't sound too desperate trying to convince people ..... It gets a little creepy if you know what i mean :)

good luck with trying to convince people your Christ ...... Hand on heart George good luck with that
we all know the second coming of Jesus is booyaa , i mean half religious people don't even believe anything about Jesus ...... Which makes the second coming even more booyaa ...... Let alone some prophet are messiah.......it really is nonsense but each to there own.

anyway with all the booyaa aside what do you think Jesus or anyone coming back in his name when would actually do if he came back ?

personal requests are forbidden:) ........ " yo Jesus dude , turn this mud into weed bro "

gooooooood luck :)
First he would kick your ass for not believing, then her would set me up real good with cash and pussy, then I don't know and I wouldn't care.