Public Schools

How many of us at one time attended public schools

  • I was home schooled

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No, schools have no influence on ones IQ. Going to school only makes you more INFORMED, it does not teach you to be smarter.

The idiot savant that has never attended one day of school can do calculus in his head faster than a computer.

A man with Autism is considered the greatest sculptor alive.

A man with an IQ of 40 can play 20 different musical instruments with absolute mastery.

You dropped a box of toothpicks and they spilled on the floor, the guy with no education takes one look and tells you that 433 are laying in the pile, you count them all and there are 433 of them.

School doesn't make you smarter London.

and if he's lucky, the guy with a IQ of 40 may be saved from death penalty..but not in texas.

Is this link supposed to prove something about IQ? Part of the last paragraph from your link:

And we don't need formal training to improve: there are many tricks we can teach ourselves, says Perkins (see "How to avoid making foolish decisions"). We might also be better equipped to elect leaders that did the same. Bush's successor is intellectually engaged, shows cognitive flexibility, can question beliefs, is sensitive to inconsistency and engages in counterfactual thinking, says Stanovich. "They could not be more different in their rational thinking profiles." President Obama's IQ, incidentally, is well above average - but then so was Bush's.
Is this link supposed to prove something about IQ? Part of the last paragraph from your link:

And we don't need formal training to improve: there are many tricks we can teach ourselves, says Perkins (see "How to avoid making foolish decisions"). We might also be better equipped to elect leaders that did the same. Bush's successor is intellectually engaged, shows cognitive flexibility, can question beliefs, is sensitive to inconsistency and engages in counterfactual thinking, says Stanovich. "They could not be more different in their rational thinking profiles." President Obama's IQ, incidentally, is well above average - but then so was Bush's.
once again having a high IQ does not mean you are smart. Deal with it
so far just about everyone has taken advantage of public schooling

Everyone I know in the past has died. It must be a good thing...

Everyone I know that isnt a total loser has to pay taxes. It must be a good thing.

If you make more money, you have to pay a higher rate of taxes. It must be a good thing.

Ebola has a 90%+ mortality rate so it must be a good thing...

I can be like London Fog...
did i say i was? you made a statement about humans not being able to self-teach; rebuttal given.

LF the bucky shit doesn't fit you and you're not very good at it.
I made a statement that everyone can't be self taught. Not everything can be self taught
and get UB off your mind sweetie
If there was a forum like go to meeting where the teacher was present with a group of virtual students it would still be called home schooled?

since i know you don't read threads..currently, you can opt for K-12 Public School Online..not really considered "home school" because you are still utilizing the public system.
Everyone I know in the past has died. It must be a good thing...

Everyone I know that isnt a total loser has to pay taxes. It must be a good thing.

If you make more money, you have to pay a higher rate of taxes. It must be a good thing.

Ebola has a 90%+ mortality rate so it must be a good thing...

I can be like London Fog...
WOW you are one miserable soul
It's a basic right, but I'm not surprised that you oppose basic rights.

Certainly you and I have a right to educate ourselves. In fact, I don't see how one can be alive and not educating constantly.

That is not what you mean, though. You mean that every little snowflake gets to pick the pocket of society so they can study theater.

I am not opposed to subsidizing education, with an eye toward getting something valuable in return: skills that our country needs to be competitive. That means we should be selective about who we educate. The only fair way for such selectivity is to rack and stack via testing. So, we are back to IQ tests such as the SAT.