Mom Ripped Sunflowers Out The Ground.


Well-Known Member
yeah so my sunflowers were just about ready to bloom, my mom walks by and yanks them out the ground because she thought they were weeds. they were sittin on the lawn overnight. i picked them up and replanted them in two pots. they look pretty bad right now, there were roots left but u can tell some
were still in the ground. any emergency help i can give them? im still new at gardening this is my first year


Well-Known Member
All you can do is wait and see...root tearing is not good...they may come around, just don't start throwing all sorts of "remedies" at them.. If they're strong, they may survive...... grim shit dude... :(


Well-Known Member
if the roots are still intact jsut try to replant it gicne the plant itself isnt damaged too might need to turn it into a clone if its really screwed up or the roots are destroyed


Well-Known Member
Sunflowers are strong plants I bet it will snap back quick as long as the roots don't dry out. KKEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


New Member
I have them growing everywhere under my bird feeder. I just mowed a whole crop of them down today in fact. Sometimes they keep on growing after I've mowed them over.

Keep them watered good until their roots get reestablished. I'm sure they'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
they are growing fine now! grant it they are now smaller than my other ones which hit about 3 feet today. i thought that they were done for a minute but they seem fine they even grew new leaves


Well-Known Member
Watch out... they could be zombies. If they start asking to eat your brains, it would be best to avoid them.