How to bring yourself down after coke

I never have a hard time coming down off coke. I lay in bed for a while, fall asleep for like 30 minutes, wake up for 5 minutes, fall asleep for another 30, wake up for 5, and usually fall asleep for good after that.

I can eat on good blow too. I'm a weirdo.
Well I am settling down somewhat....too old for this! Had another beer and took some gravol .
I do a weak pharma version of a speedball every now and then, hydrocodone and coke at the same time...But I never fuck with needles...And the number one way people OD and die from drugs is Drinking and coke all night, then Hydrocodone to go to sleep...Just don't wake up...

How old is too old, bro?
Valium while on coke was one of my favorite combos. Takes the edge off but you still feel the "rush" from the coke.