27 OUNCES from one plant (wet that is)


Active Member
btw with regards to the pic with the rack of budding hanging down, theres another rack of buds that I got from this plant just didnt take a pic of it, so TWO racks total... maybe thatll help you guys judge the weight :)


New Member
I can't wait to find out the finished weight, seeing how no 2 people on here could even agree on it. I will not venture a guess, as I have no idea, but I hope for your sake that the number is high .


Well-Known Member
This thread is pointless now first you dont tell us its still wet, then you put a pic of it still on the branches then you say its off the branches, then you say theres two racks not just one.........


Well-Known Member
so u put up a pic of branches,stems and bud and shout "27oz".
Do me a favour!!!!!!!!!!!
what does THE BUD weigh? and it has been pointed out u lose 70% of the wet weight when dry.


Active Member
shut up dixie... get outta here with your attitude bullshit--- btw got 5 ounces dried off the plant... peace


Well-Known Member
Well knowing that a plants tissue is mostly water...I would say if properly dried and cured you'll lose a third of the weight from water. KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!
A third?????? I wish!!!! You will lose at least 75% of bud weight + stems so I would hazard a guess at you ending up with 4oz.


Well-Known Member
yeah you should probably go smoke a bowl man.... youre just pathetic
you arent even worth replying to, and you are probably only 18 or 19 years old- so grow up and post the correct facts in your posts next time, Who posts the weight of their plants on the stems and not trimmed properly asking for guestimates on final weight. ALL experienced growers know how much weight they lose because they done it so often.


Active Member
its my first harvest you moron... try reading the posts before you comment on them. and regardless of my age I am much more intelligent than you're donkey ass... get the fuck off this post


Well-Known Member
its my first harvest you moron... try reading the posts before you comment on them. and regardless of my age I am much more intelligent than you're donkey ass... get the fuck off this post
If you read my initial post you should know that is exactly what I was doing. As for intelligence LOL I have 2 degrees and a masters is that enough?


Well-Known Member
from my experience and the information present, you should still be hanging for the air dry and curing in a jar for like 2 more weeks. Unless you cut your nugs and put them in a dehydrator they should still have a suprising amount of weight to lose. From the pictures and info; DWC, indoor, size of buds, and the streching on branches I would guess around 3 to 4 (if lucky) oz when finished curing. not bad, infact awesome for a first grow.


Well-Known Member
another thread with a pissin match,what a surprise
not taking sides.....
5 oz good job


Well-Known Member
5 dry ounces is great.... kudo's.....

its not impossible to achieve that with the right strains and good conditions.. whatever you did you did a good job.....

i didn't read the entire thread, i just went off the previous post, so i hope i'm accurate in my statement...

btw, it's more than i thought you would have by 2 ounces.....


Well-Known Member
shut up dixie... get outta here with your attitude bullshit--- btw got 5 ounces dried off the plant... peace
i got 5 dried... read the post man
yeah you should probably go smoke a bowl man.... youre just pathetic
its my first harvest you moron... try reading the posts before you comment on them. and regardless of my age I am much more intelligent than you're donkey ass... get the fuck off this post

And I'M the 1 with attitude????? hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha