guys i think my baby is dieing help me know what the problem is
her leaves start going down i gave her water everyday twice just spraying no pouring maybe the under root is not getting water? or what help me plz
Take a decent picture of them out of the lights please. Just judging on the plant itself without seeing the colors on the leaves, they don't look dead, they look normal.
Raise your light 1 foot is too close raise it back up to at least 2 feet. They don't look burned but idk any led that wouldn't burn a seedling from less than 1 foot. Usually roots don't like light either I would set those cups in a red party cup until ready for bigger pot just to eliminate some of the light from the clear cups
transplant them things and put soil all the way up to the bottom leaves,i dont no how far your lights are from it ,but it should be 1to2 ft with that led ,you got some serious stretch going on there
THE LED TOO CLOSE. They def need bigger pots. Get some smart pots. Transplant before those stem loose strength and give out. When you transplant, plant them all the way to the cotyldens... Very first two leaves. Use 1 gallon smart pots. Good strategy....
Sorry guys I didn't read the last posts I just did after 6 hours the light will be on I will post pic they big now they start flowering 4 weeks ago they are low rider auto #2 I think I'm close to finsh I planted 6 seeds and I got 4 healthy plants and 1 got shock she stretches long but stayed thin even the buds looks weak