Doc's laboratory

Me too... I was gonna buy a house but I think I might actually move back in with my parents for a year to save money to buy a house. If I move back home I'll have more money to spend on lights and upgrades :-)

My parents have a horse farm, and on the large property there's an apartment that I could fix up for a few grand and live there easily.

My dad told me I could grow in the 7stall barn, I just need to clean it out and outfit it.

I would have at least two 14'x14' stalls with my own dedicated circuits. In the main building they've got 32x 1000w HPS lights, with a couple metal halide thrown in there. I'm sure my dad has got multiple extra ballasts, bulbs, and reflectors in 600w and 1000w sizes.

My concerns are:
1) the stalls are filthy. I'd power wash and bleach the area down, but dirt floors and open barn buildings make for a hard to keep clean area.
2) ventilation. I'm probably gonna have to rig up something where I can use multiple car air filters to filter incoming air. This is a barn. It's dusty inside and I feel it'll only get worse once I start moving air.
3) environment. This is an open concept building. They're meant to house live animals so air exchange absolutely occurs between inside and outside. So when its raining it will be humid in there, and if its cold out it will be cold in there.

Its pretty daunting to be able to start from scratch but also very liberating.

I barely even know where to start.

What do you think doc?

What are you changing about your new setup in Oregon? More space? More lights? Another octagon?
Can you make a tent in there, if so your all set. Of course gotta keep the temps in check, but the tent should cover most of the other issues.
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Hell now you have me ready to pop some:weed:

I just trimmed up some glue and found some seeds in it. I wanna pop them soooo fucking bad right now, but I think that I've got too many seedlings right now as it is...


I've got 2x Gorilla Fuck x GG#4, Sour Grape, Frisian Dew, Khaos Kush, OG Larry x HB#2, and Amnesia Haze. I'm also revegging the glue and I've got two autos in that mix as well, a white widow auto and a think different.

Oh yeah, a stubborn Gorilla Fuck x GG#4 showed its tail this morning, so I've got 3x of that cross.

I left a node on one of the glues to try to reveg it in the pot, kind of a what the hell kinda thing.

Plus I'm waiting on roots in the cloner from 4x Bruce Banner #3 and 2x GG#4...

Fuck it I'm gonna put just two seeds in peat plugs. Just two more won't hurt right?

Hahaahahaha I'm moving next month and I'll have 20 plants to take with me, wtf!

Oh yeah, plus I've got to get going on germing 5 more seeds for the party cup comp! What cross do you recommend for that comp?
I just trimmed up some glue and found some seeds in it. I wanna pop them soooo fucking bad right now, but I think that I've got too many seedlings right now as it is...

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I've got 2x Gorilla Fuck x GG#4, Sour Grape, Frisian Dew, Khaos Kush, OG Larry x HB#2, and Amnesia Haze. I'm also revegging the glue and I've got two autos in that mix as well, a white widow auto and a think different.

Oh yeah, a stubborn Gorilla Fuck x GG#4 showed its tail this morning, so I've got 3x of that cross.

I left a node on one of the glues to try to reveg it in the pot, kind of a what the hell kinda thing.

Plus I'm waiting on roots in the cloner from 4x Bruce Banner #3 and 2x GG#4...

Fuck it I'm gonna put just two seeds in peat plugs. Just two more won't hurt right?

Hahaahahaha I'm moving next month and I'll have 20 plants to take with me, wtf!

Oh yeah, plus I've got to get going on germing 5 more seeds for the party cup comp! What cross do you recommend for that comp?
Yea i will miss the party cup comp, but hell it will be there next year. I have like 2,000,000 seeds to pick from so will be getting interesting when i get a place. I think a nice 100 bean pop of the fireballs f3's will be in order. Plus a good few of the granddad balls:-)
Nice I am all about simple bro. My setup is easy on me but I am looking into some nutrients like Jacks and the citrus mix now from reading and having g plants that require more and I can see they want a bit more than what there getting. I am always learning, and knoledge is power lol.