Dj Short 20 year old back stock seed sprout.

Jd Short

Well-Known Member
I'm getting in on this one late. I was undecided as to whether or not I'd do a grow journal for these but decided, "what they hay, I should show my work."

So here we go; these seeds are 20+ year old back stock seeds from Dj Shorts genetic collection. These are F3 pre-blueberry seeds. They were labeled P.F.K for purple, fruity, kush. Out of 50 of them I got 6 to come up above soil.

They were soaked overnight in a solution of water (app. 8oz.) with about 10-15 drops of H2O2. and ph'd to 6.3. After about a 15 hour soak they were placed in paper towels and put inside a homemade incubator and within 72 hours about 15 had split but none pushed out tails. I decided to place them in dirt on top of heating pads at that time. Within a week several came up above soil. I let the others go for about 3 weeks and in that time a few more came up but most did not.

3 of the 6 plants were some of the most mutated plants I've ever seen. One ended up dying on it's own and one grew out of the mutation pretty quickly and is on track with the other two that weren't mutated. I have two females and one boy showing sex so far. I'm still trying to bring 2 out of their mutation and they're coming along, but slowly. The three that aren't mutants are at the end of their veg. cycle now and will be switched into flower in the next few days.

The smell is some of the most wonderfully sweet smelling candy skunk imaginable. They obviously have the purple, fruity and kush attributes but Im also pleasantly surprised at the smell of spicy skunk coming from them. They are pungent. Another different attribute Im noticing is the texture of the stem. It's almost smooth and has the feel of rubber to it.
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Homemade incubator; plate, tinfoil, aluminum bowl and a 65 watt lamp.
Seeds are placed in paper towels on plate and covered with tinfoil. Tinfoil is left slightly open for air flow. Plate is placed in aluminum bowl. The bowl is placed on top of 65 watt lamp.
Don't ask how this happened, it just did. The heat pads were too warm and this just worked.
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Hey mate, they look pretty cool so far, will be interesting to see how they turn out. If you don't mind me asking, how were the seeds stored for so long? I still have some of dj's blueberry from the late 90's in my fridge which i popped about 3 years ago and all the ones i popped turned out pretty nice. I'm hoping the rest will pop easily enough when i get around to them.
I'm getting in on this one late. I was undecided as to whether or not I'd do a grow journal for these but decided, "what they hay, I should show my work."

So here we go; these seeds are 20+ year old back stock seeds from Dj Shorts genetic collection. These are F3 pre-blueberry seeds. They were labeled P.F.K for purple, fruity, kush. Out of 50 of them I got 6 to come up above soil.

They were soaked overnight in a solution of water (app. 8oz.) with about 10-15 drops of H2O2. and ph'd to 6.3. After about a 15 hour soak they were placed in paper towels and put inside a homemade incubator and within 72 hours about 15 had split but none pushed out tails. I decided to place them in dirt on top of heating pads at that time. Within a week several came up above soil. I let the others go for about 3 weeks and in that time a few more came up but most did not.

3 of the 6 plants were some of the most mutated plants I've ever seen. One ended up dying on it's own and one grew out of the mutation pretty quickly and is on track with the other two that weren't mutated. I have two females and one boy showing sex so far. I'm still trying to bring 2 out of their mutation and they're coming along, but slowly. The three that aren't mutants are at the end of their veg. cycle now and will be switched into flower in the next few days.

The smell is some of the most wonderfully sweet smelling candy skunk imaginable. They obviously have the purple, fruity and kush attributes but Im also pleasantly surprised at the smell of spicy skunk coming from them. They are pungent. Another different attribute Im noticing is the texture of the stem. It's almost smooth and has the feel of rubber to it.
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U have a email? Would like to do some work
iv done that before with the seeds on top of the lampshade, it does work great. im surprised you only got 6 of 50. are you gonna try to work with these in any way?
I was stoked that I got 6. They are 20+ years old and have seen quite a few fridges in that time ;) And yeah, Ima try and rework these.

I am subbed for this one. I'd love to go through some older DJ shorts stock and see what I could find.

What F generation were his Blueberry Pre 2k? Just trying to figure out what has changed with the new stock over the pre 2k.
As far as I know they were f5's as well. And the difference is a decade and a half of memory and degradation on the taste buds. ;)
#1 one of three mutants.
Sex undetermined.
Stem feels like rubber.

Smells of skunk, sour diesel.

#6 Two of three mutants.
Smells of sweet sugary candy.

#7 three of three mutants.
Sex undetermined.
Reeks of spice, skunk.

#8 The Boy.
Reeks of sweet, spice skunk.
Always crazy to see people popping beans that are almost as old as me, truly amazing that an embryo can be preserved that long. Looking good tho... even the mutants
I did wonder if it was just other peoples opinions changing over the years or if they really did change. I figured they were either different parents or F3-F4's or something Pre 2k.

I can't wait to see how these turn out. Were they in the freezer at all, or only refrigerated? Reason I ask, I keep all my beans in mason jars in the fridge. Don't want to freeze them in case the power goes out I am worried about unfreezing and refreezing them a few times over the years. I figure the fridge will keep them for about as long as I need.
I am subbed for this one. I'd love to go through some older DJ shorts stock and see what I could find.

What F generation were his Blueberry Pre 2k? Just trying to figure out what has changed with the new stock over the pre 2k.

"Regarding Rumors of Parent Stock

FYI & FWIW the parent breed stock for ‘Blueberry’ and ‘flo’ seed has remained the same since 1998. The exact same mother and exact same father have been used for the ‘Blueberry’ seed since 1998. The ‘flo’ will be 22 years old in 2012! Exact same mother used for 22 years (from new and outdoor-rejuvenated clones) on the ‘flo’. The ‘flo’ seeds have the same father as the ‘Blueberry’ (again, since 1998). The ‘Stretch-Indica Blueberry’ male has been alive since 1998—13-plus years! Nothing has changed in my production regimen for 13-plus years.

What have changed are the nutrients and supplements that people are giving to their plants. Please remember, the plants from my seeds are generally nutrient sensitive initially due to being very organically produced for generations. Use the KISS method to start and find what it takes to dial-in your plants. Remember, the plant’s main source of food is light!

So, parent stock for the ‘Blueberry’ and ‘flo’ are exactly the same as they have been for the past 13 years. ‘Vanilluna’ and ‘Cocoa Kush’ were both created in 2005-‘06 and the exact same parent stock has been used for those since. ‘Vanilluna’ and ‘Cocoa Kush’ are from the exact same breeding stock (mother side) as the first version of ‘Blue Satellite’ (Swiss version, the same plant that is pictured, though mislabeled, on the cover of my book ‘Cultivating Exceptional Cannabis’).

The ‘True Blueberry’, ‘F-13’, ‘OTM’, ‘Flodica’, Grape Krush’, ‘Johnny Blaze’, ‘MRF’ et. al., were part of an r & d project done in Canada. Parent stock for these varieties no longer exist, though some people have genetic back-ups in seed form, and I’ve heard rumor of someone having the original F-13 mother still alive. A limited number of ‘True Blueberry’, ‘F-13’, ‘Johnny Blaze’ and ‘Grape Krush’ seeds will be available while supplies last.

Excellent examples of ‘Grape Krush’ and ‘OTM’ are currently circulating in California in clone form right now, as are the f4 mother plants of ‘Blueberry’ and ‘flo’. Buyers beware as I am working on authorized outlets. Also working on a suitable F-13 for clone release soon. Will keep you posted."
~Dj Short~
Thanks for that info. Sounds like if you can find a couple of those strains they should be picked up then. Mostly interested in the True Blueberry. Just to see how they compare to the original BlueBerry when grown out.

I always grow mostly organic, so if I ever do the BB out I feel I have a good chance of getting the most out of them. I will make sure to even use low organic ferts on her and give it a proper cure.

I always see these pictures of the old Blueberry or blueberry crosses from old stock turning almost completely light blue buds... and I know that color doesn't mean anything but I do sort of want a cut that has good colors. Because on the other strains I never care that much about it but with Blueberry it just seems like it should have that coloring. Maybe the reason I only see older pictures turning blue and reports praising Blueberry are from the past is that not as many are growing them out now or else the plant has changed slightly due to its growing conditions over the years.

I am not saying it has changed in the last 13 years. That is the reason I asked you to see if something really had changed on your end. But from everyone running seeds prior to 2k, and running them now it seems everyone thinks they are different. You say it is 98 when DJ got the parents for the Blueberry F5's of today. So was there a Blueberry line out prior to 98 that maybe everyone is talking about as Pre 2k Blueberry?
. . . So was there a Blueberry line out prior to 98 that maybe everyone is talking about as Pre 2k Blueberry?
Yes there was. It was in production for a very limited amount of time and remains a very small represented of what Blueberry has been presented as in the past 17 years. I've been in many a grow room where someone had their own special cut of 'Blueberry' they got from so and so. I've seen more mis/representations of Blueberry than I have the real thing unfortunately. I've seen this with many strains. I bet we all have. ;)
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What interests me is you say you ran 30 seeds and they were all almost identical. Or at least very symmetrical. If that is the case, then all these blueberry clones that are a beautiful blue color, or the ones used in crosses labeled as pre 2k, are they just freak occurrences and someone got very lucky or do you actually find these if you buy 2-3 packs to go through? I seen some colors in the ones you showed but not like I have seen in other peoples photos. Could be the temperature differences, but if I recall it didn't matter what the temps were on some of the blue blueberry cuts.

I guess what I am getting at is this, if the prized cuts everyone is using to make crosses with were the same parents... then shouldn't they still be around and seen today whenever everyone grows them out, even if it is a rare occurrence?

That is why I figured the pre 2k blueberry was a different seed line or strain that everyone refers to, and I figured that line was the one everyone still had the mother cuts from that turned blue in the crosses they made.
What interests me is you say you ran 30 seeds and they were all almost identical. Or at least very symmetrical. If that is the case, then all these blueberry clones that are a beautiful blue color, or the ones used in crosses labeled as pre 2k, are they just freak occurrences and someone got very lucky or do you actually find these if you buy 2-3 packs to go through? I seen some colors in the ones you showed but not like I have seen in other peoples photos. Could be the temperature differences, but if I recall it didn't matter what the temps were on some of the blue blueberry cuts.

I guess what I am getting at is this, if the prized cuts everyone is using to make crosses with were the same parents... then shouldn't they still be around and seen today whenever everyone grows them out, even if it is a rare occurrence?

That is why I figured the pre 2k blueberry was a different seed line or strain that everyone refers to, and I figured that line was the one everyone still had the mother cuts from that turned blue in the crosses they made.

I ended up with 9-12 out of 28 that had deep to light hues of both blue and purple and all the other ones exhibited color as well. I had my environment climate controlled at 74 degrees fahrenheit during the light cycle and 68 during the dark.

I believe those prized cuts do still show themselves in the offspring. My first pic from my 28 pheno's is what I believe to be a good example of this ;) it has those silver blue hues and that sweet, spicy, skunk berry smell.
This is #8, "The boy @ approximately 2 weeks in flower. I have removed him from flower to prevent cross-pollination.
Both purple and skunk attributes showing. Has a skunk spice, sweetness to it's aroma.
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This is #3, or "The Girl" approximately 2 weeks in flower. Between the 6 seeds I got to germinate, only two weren't mutated. One was a boy and the other was a girl, hence the names; "The Boy" and "The Girl."
I took this picture while she was sleeping so her leaves are a little drooped, I know, I shouldn't have. Couldn't help....SDC17660.JPG
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This is #7 and was originally severely mutated. I've put some effort into growing and pruning her out of her mutation and have had some success. She's almost out of it. SDC17656.JPG
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This is #1 and was the most mutated of the three mutants. Coming along nicely though, almost out of it's mutation as well. SDC17658.JPG
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This is #6 and for some reason my favorite plant. It has this sweet lilac/candy smell. I believe it is a boy. Originally I thought is was perhaps a female but I may have been a little hasty. It was placed into flower yesterday. I was finally able to grow it out of it's mutation and am going to flower it and see what happens. Fingers crossed. SDC17662.JPG
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