Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member

Lol I talk shit to my wife cuz she don't work. But not yell. I called her cunt maybe twice.

But I work all day, take the kid out , baseball , football, and smoke all day , clean and all that shit.

If a woman stays home all day at least clean. Otherwise I want to be a house husband.
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Staff member
Meh I wish he actually loved me :( he doesn't
It sucks I've loved him when I first met him at 16


Well-Known Member
I don't call her names. I just say "I been up since 5 am , smoked all day, yet I still got all energy to do it all "

I call her lazy but that's it. I called her cunt like 2 times out of 10 yrs of being together. Not bad at all


Well-Known Member

I meant what if Gary Busey were in her ass. Or maybe you have to eat through Gary Busey's ass to get to her. Would you do it? (you must look at his face though).
I knew what ya meant. Not if I have to look at his face. Ahh who am I kidding. Anything for a little piece of that tastey bitch.


Pickle Queen
Hahaha I probably earned a few...I like my sports rough...female leagues rarely allow contact. ..sue me a few smelt nice so I went in for 2nd sniff...ice is slippy...

on another note...canada customs better release my pickle soon...seriously it's just a freaking pickle!!!!