Well-Known Member
Feeding seems the same to me as it did with HPS.
That is a good question, bc i have thought about that as well. Right now they are at that happy medium most people seem to run them @1.4a so around 50-52 watts. I know on the spec tests Vero does 2.1 a for around 80 watts. I was only curious about that because with the artic 11 plus coolers I can hold the heat sink and there not even warm at all. My point being i feel like they can take extra juice, though that may lead to loss in efficiency I'm no expert tho. So in terms of the next four cob I may run them a little harder rather than softer. It is bright no question , but the pics may be a tad misleading.Are you going to drive them softer once you introduce the other 4 emitters co? What are they at now? Looks super bright great job.
Haha, should be...cable management and fan orientation will be the only possible pain in the ass ordealsLol that PC build is going to be cakewalk for you after building your personal COB fixture.