I've Put Uncle Buck On The "IGNORE"..


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Your opinion of yourself is somewhat greater than anyone else's opinion of you. You didn't present any facts at all, just assumptions that you pretend are facts. And a smug statement of assumed superiority. You must be real popular. Everyone just loves a conceited anal rentintive cunt critisizing their grammer. No real criticism, just vague references that it is "bad". Could it be that you don't know exactly what was wrong with it, and are purposely being vague? Seems to be a flaw there, Miss Better Than Thou

Did you know there's this really neat feature Xenforo has that allows you to reply to several posts in one.

Oh, and who may that be?
There ya go ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ see what a cool feature that is.



Well-Known Member
Actually, she's a Brit who were enemies of the nazis; I'd say that since the dispute is about proper English, as a representative of the Queen and it's Her English, Lahada is ahead in points
Who said the dispute was about "proper English"? The dispute was she claimed the reason there was only one black girl in her school was that the headmaster was racist. I said that her bias lead her to a conclusion not evidenced in fact. Her counter argument was "I may, or may not, be bilingual, and your grammer is so bad, tho I won't identify exactly why I say that, that my opinion is the same as fact".


Well-Known Member
Who said the dispute was about "proper English"? The dispute was she claimed the reason there was only one black girl in her school was that the headmaster was racist. I said that her bias lead her to a conclusion not evidenced in fact. Her counter argument was "I may, or may not, be bilingual, and your grammer is so bad, tho I won't identify exactly why I say that, that my opinion is the same as fact".
I did. Me. You called her Mr. Grammar Nazi, and the subsequent posts were about grammar and english. So, it was I who distilled it down to that


Well-Known Member
I did. Me. You called her Mr. Grammar Nazi, and the subsequent posts were about grammar and english. So, it was I who distilled it down to that
By ignoring the original posts. So you distilled nothing. You fell for, or chose to join in, her ploy to pretend my "bad" grammer ( tho she never actually stated what was wrong with my grammer, just that it was "bad") somehow invalidated my statement that she was jumping to a conclusion based on bias.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Yes, pretend outnumbering me means I'm wrong. You guys are smug in your ignorance

Yes, pretend I'm stupid because I don't post the way YOU want me to. Do you have nothing to offer other than insults? No? Pity. I enjoy a challange. You are obviously not up to it, so I shall waste no further time on you.
Pumpkin I don't have to pretend you're stupid, your previous posts speak for themselves.


Well-Known Member
You've got too much ego invested in this young man. Where do you get the authority to write the rules? I chimed in on the exchange between Lahada and C2G, I don't give 2 shits about your beef with Lahada. You sought my personal attention, not I. Now one can speculate as to why; I'm not interested in you; you are immediately angry; weak with the immediate ad hominums; your grasp of tactics and strategy is abysmal and until you summoned me, I had never even acknowledged you. Why do you crave my attention?