I've Put Uncle Buck On The "IGNORE"..

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I hate carbon buildup on bolts. Had to use a dremel to get that shit off. Now my BCG rides smooth. Now I just need to find the perfect grain weight of rounds to cycle in my suppressed short barrel.

I shoot guns.

Bacon soda, I got Bacon soda.
Pew, pew!

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
I just like to see how many posters brought down a notch by UB and theres some dude that allways trolls him by saying that why his boyfriend is fisting him with both arms. Its just awsome! Wish i was quick witted like UB.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
you are coming down a couple weeks too early. next week I will be in Boston for meetings.

but on the off chance I am in town while you are here, I will be happy to take you out shooting. i've got a couple new guns, and I've got a couple of cans too. I like making things go #pew, quietly.
Oh you are now are you? Wouldn't mind seeing you cut deep.

On another note...



Well-Known Member
I really don't understand the hatred toward liberals..when did pro-choice become a bad thing, or maybe my definition is different then yalls
But don't even notice the hatred liberals spew. "pro-choice" was a "bad thing" for a couple thousand years before it became a "good thing"


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
But don't even notice the hatred liberals spew.
keep it in politics, hateful bigoted hypocrite.

You don't know the definition of homophobia? That's funny. Dominate gold digger gene sound familiar to you? That's where a gold digging whore tries to convince others that some how he/she is owed all of another's possessions who had already made their wishes known to be otherwise in all their legal documents. Then the lying bitch tries to claim sympathy by claiming months later the deceased was killed in a hate crime. Then when casual observers point out that the gold digger is just that, a gold digger, He/she resorts to his/her good friend and supporter, UncleShitBritches, tactics of trying to smear them. If you're a friend of UncleShitBritches, well, that is more of an indictment of your character than anything I can say about you. The truth is, your "boyfriend" purposely did not put your name on the deed to HIS house, did not list you as a beneficiary on his insurance, nor did he apparently ever even mention your existance to any of his real friends, lawyer, family, or medical caregivers. For a confessed cock sucker to insult those he has never met by calling them "homo" seems rather strange, but it it consistant with the rest of your lack of logic. You know, "my names not on the deed, I never paid a dime on the mortgage, but I demand you give me this house that his family probably loaned him some or all the down payment, co-signed the mortgage, helped with the payments and may be responsible for the rest of the mortgage because, well just because I want it and I spent a weekend there once." Fuck you, thieving bastard.
Poor Carne, are you still butthurt your sugardaddy didn't give a fuck about you? You keep on living in your fantasy world, the fact remains your sugardaddy left you nothing. At the time of his death, all you were concerned about was what you didn't get. You railed about his family not letting you see him in the hospital, but you didn't claim shit about any hate crime, other than you didn't get to profit from his death. That was your only concern. I can see why he purposely excluded you. Quit trying to play the martyr, gold digger. Claiming I'm a homophobe because I dislike gold digging whores like you demonstrates just what a low-life you are.
Tell us again how unbigoted you are, Mr. MyBoyfriendDiedAndDidn't LeaveMeShitGoldDiggerCryBaby
You have no idea what you're talking about. Carne cried about his "boyfriend" dying and not leaving him anything and somehow that was society's fault. The truth was his "boyfriend" thought of him as nothing more than a hole to stick his dick in. Carne's contention that he was due some reward for sucking his cock is nothing but the words of a goldigger. His "boyfriend" clearly chose NOT to list him on his insurance, will, or any other document. He had ample opportunity to do so, but chose not to. In other words, he received everything his "boyfriend" wanted him to receive...nothing. Keep running your mouth about shit you don't know shit about
yes, that's red1966 having a complete meltdown at carne, mocking the fact that his partner was beaten to death in a hate crime by those who share his homophobic and bigoted views.


Well-Known Member
Huh? That doesnt make any sense to me
he's trying to say he mourns for a time when men were more able to control women by preventing them from making their own health care decisions.

he's just insecure and attempting to cling to a vanishing paradigm.


Well-Known Member
I don't see either as indicated. Maybe you are jumping to conclusions.
So, in your view why was there only one black girl in nine hundred? There were blacks in that area.

We weren't taught to start a sentence with 'but', 'and' or 'because'. Shame your education was sub - standard.