Work qualifications... are you serious?


Well-Known Member
So as soon as I find a new job I'm quitting my current one.

Decided I'm tired of being a babysitter, work conditions is unsafe (recently a shelf fell on top of our manager and there are 2 more that are about to collapse. Been this way for as long as I've been working there), and the final nail in the coffin is when they cut everyone's hours because someone worked an unscheduled shift.

Anyway so I'm scouring CL looking for something that I can qualify for and the qualifications for some of their ads are ridiculous.

A lot of - must fill out an application before we even tell you what the business is.
A lot of - must have 2+ years experience for a minimum wage part time job.
A couple of - must have a 4yr degree for a retail job
A lot of - must have your own work truck, quality professional tools, insurance, and licensing to be considered for a $10hr grunt work position. (of course I could take all that, branch out on my own and make $18 an hour)

But the one that just strikes me as "WTF" is that you must have a smartphone to be considered. Really? Have we become so techno dependent that a smartphone is actually a requirement to work now-a-days?
I remember when there was no internets and no craigslist. WE had to actually get all dressed up and drive from place to place and getting writers cramp from filling out so many apps

That's how I got my first job. Writers cramp from from walking all over town filling out applications.

CL makes things a bit easier in seeing what's out there, but I'm not opposed to hitting the streets and filling out apps. Kind of prefer it that way to be honest. Gives you a chance to actually speak to who's in charge and make a positive first impression. Can't do that now. Last time I tried I ended the day with a notebook filled with web addresses on where I needed to go to fill out the online application, with no idea who was really hiring or who was just "taking applications"

Had one place tell me that I had to go to their website, print out their application, fill it out and bring it into the store that way (minimum wage mall job). Needless to say I passed up that opportunity.

fuck work.happy weekend.

I work all weekend. Starting tomorrow at 8 running a register and then sunday at 7 doing replenishment.

Plus side is if I'm on the register I'll be able to get some commision sales. Although it'd be physically impossible to make enough sales to make up for the hours that I lost
The only CL jobs that pop up around here are like working 5 hours a week stocking greeting cards or working part time cleaning up all the rest stops out in the middle of nowhere 30 miles from town.
If you dont mind doing physical work & working outdoors look up local union contractors on the internet & visit them in person , most large union construction companies are allways looking to take on new hands with starting pay packages around $20 an hour , when i retired 5 yrs ago we were paying helpers allmost $18 an hour plus insurance for starting pay , then a $1 an hour raise if they lasted 30 days , then put them thru trade school & give them a $1 an hour raise every 6 months till they graduated trade school & become journeyman , pay for journeymen in the trades ranges from $20 an hour as high as $80 an hour depending on the trade , all contractors like to hire in person & avoid phone & internet applications .

You can make a good living & need nothing more than a drivers liscense,dependable car & a strong back .
If you dont mind doing physical work & working outdoors look up local union contractors on the internet & visit them in person , most large union construction companies are allways looking to take on new hands with starting pay packages around $20 an hour , when i retired 5 yrs ago we were paying helpers allmost $18 an hour plus insurance for starting pay , then a $1 an hour raise if they lasted 30 days , then put them thru trade school & give them a $1 an hour raise every 6 months till they graduated trade school & become journeyman , pay for journeymen in the trades ranges from $20 an hour as high as $80 an hour depending on the trade , all contractors like to hire in person & avoid phone & internet applications .

You can make a good living & need nothing more than a drivers liscense,dependable car & a strong back .

I was a contractor for a few years. Never union but there are some serious benefits to it that I can't deny. Where I worked I actually had free housing + utilities along with minimum wage pay. Considering that all my bills were paid my hourly wage was pretty much fun money... minus food of course. Kind of wish that I'd actually thought ahead and saved instead of blowing it all. But coulda-shoulda-woulda right?

I'll keep that in mind as a back up plan. I've come to realize I actually enjoy customer service and am quite good at it. So I'm looking into something like becoming a waiter, where I can rely on tips as opposed to hourly income.

My first job was at coldstone creamery. I was bringing home an extra 30 - 50 extra in tips daily. Basically making $10 an hour, half of which was tips.
That's how I got my first job. Writers cramp from from walking all over town filling out applications.

CL makes things a bit easier in seeing what's out there, but I'm not opposed to hitting the streets and filling out apps. Kind of prefer it that way to be honest. Gives you a chance to actually speak to who's in charge and make a positive first impression. Can't do that now. Last time I tried I ended the day with a notebook filled with web addresses on where I needed to go to fill out the online application, with no idea who was really hiring or who was just "taking applications"

Had one place tell me that I had to go to their website, print out their application, fill it out and bring it into the store that way (minimum wage mall job). Needless to say I passed up that opportunity.

I work all weekend. Starting tomorrow at 8 running a register and then sunday at 7 doing replenishment.

Plus side is if I'm on the register I'll be able to get some commision sales. Although it'd be physically impossible to make enough sales to make up for the hours that I lost
Saw an ad in the paper once (it ran for over a year) that said "applications must be made in person". Ad didn't have phone number, address, or name of business in it. They probably were sitting around the office saying, "We've had an ad in the paper for 14 months now and not a single application. I guess nobody wants to work."
If you dont mind doing physical work & working outdoors look up local union contractors on the internet & visit them in person , most large union construction companies are allways looking to take on new hands with starting pay packages around $20 an hour , when i retired 5 yrs ago we were paying helpers allmost $18 an hour plus insurance for starting pay , then a $1 an hour raise if they lasted 30 days , then put them thru trade school & give them a $1 an hour raise every 6 months till they graduated trade school & become journeyman , pay for journeymen in the trades ranges from $20 an hour as high as $80 an hour depending on the trade , all contractors like to hire in person & avoid phone & internet applications .

You can make a good living & need nothing more than a drivers liscense,dependable car & a strong back .
I know a couple of contractors who only hire people they know or friends of people they know. They never advertise for help. Don't know how common that is, but it could make it hard for an "outsider" to get his foot in the door.
If you dont mind doing physical work & working outdoors look up local union contractors on the internet & visit them in person , most large union construction companies are allways looking to take on new hands with starting pay packages around $20 an hour , when i retired 5 yrs ago we were paying helpers allmost $18 an hour plus insurance for starting pay , then a $1 an hour raise if they lasted 30 days , then put them thru trade school & give them a $1 an hour raise every 6 months till they graduated trade school & become journeyman , pay for journeymen in the trades ranges from $20 an hour as high as $80 an hour depending on the trade , all contractors like to hire in person & avoid phone & internet applications .

You can make a good living & need nothing more than a drivers liscense,dependable car & a strong back .
I did that for summers for 3 yrs after I got outta the army.......made good coin and went to college during the year, picked up short jobs during Xmas and easter breaks; part time jobs during the school year. It was great
Learn to weld you'll always be able to get a job

Now its hard work and in the summer you will be covered head to toe in sweat

But oh my god if it isn't fun when I ran my first bead I was hooked

Plus welding gets u 16 to 20 bucks an hour starting pay
Times sure are different today, or maybe cause I am older the places just don't call you back.
What about the jobs you know you are perfect for but they don't see it that way.
And I made $10/hr back in 1980, 35 years later $10/hr ... WTF.