Yellow spots on leaves

The Sisko

I noticed this today on one of my plants, and I'm pretty sure they weren't there yesterday. Should I be worried?

My plants--Crown Royale--are being grown indoors under a 16-inch long fluorescent light I bought, in Miracle Grow soil. They're four and a half weeks old, and I water them when the soil is dry about an inch beneath the surface (I've watered them three times total) using tap water that has been sitting in a container for about a month now. I last watered them four days ago.

There is a fan on in the room, which is about 12 feet away so only a slight breeze hits the plants. It's only happening on one of the plants so far. The room is kept at a pretty consistent 21-22° C

I've read about a bunch of different possibilities, but no definitive answer caught my eye.

I appreciate any thoughts.



Well-Known Member
Looks like the beginning of a defficiency in Nitrogen based on the lighter green toward the center of the newer growth. The bleached/brownish spots look like a moisture or ph issue. I'd take care of the N def first and keep an eye out for any more spots.


Well-Known Member
I don't think its an N deficiency unless you got an MG soil that didn't have any Nitrogen fertilizer in it. I don't know what it is but I wouldn't add any nitrogen. I don't think its a deficiency, your cotyledons are still green meaning that the plant shouldn't be deficient in anything. Give a full rundown of your complete setup.

The Sisko

I don't know if there's much more I can add with regard to my setup: the plants are in the spare kitchen in my basement about eight or-so inches below the fluorescent light (I leave the light on 24 hours a day at this point.) I have not used the plastic cover that came with the tray pictured below for about two weeks.

The soil I am using is 0.18 - 0.10 - 0.10. I actually don't know if that's "0.18" Nitrogen or 18.0 Nitrogen. Ss that could be it.

When I water the plants I aim to get the soil wet only. I am not 100% sure the plants never got splashed. Again, it is only one of the three seedlings that is exhibiting this problem thus far, so that could also be it . . . I don't know, I only grew tomatoes one summer. ;)


Well-Known Member
When you water, how much are you giving them? Seedlings don't like to be in really wet soil. They require very little actually and judging from your pic above they look pretty wet to be 4 days from watering. They shouldn't be deficient either as somebody else pointed out they still have their cotyledon leaves. I suspect your going to have issues in that soil...


Active Member
Very weird. Hard to be accurate with out experience growing in it, and nobody grows in it. If you have issues this early I don't expect it to get much better, might want to reevaluate your setup.

The Sisko

Okay, I'm going to go buy the stuff to make a growing medium with much better drainage. I'm frankly not prepared to transplant the seedlings into bigger pots this soon, but desperate time . . .

Or maybe I'll just transplant the one. I don't know. But to the store I go . . .


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm going to go buy the stuff to make a growing medium with much better drainage. I'm frankly not prepared to transplant the seedlings into bigger pots this soon, but desperate time . . .

Or maybe I'll just transplant the one. I don't know. But to the store I go . . .
I wouldn't recommend a transplant just yet. Don't get them so wet and when they are ready to transplant Id put them in a better soil

The Sisko

Okay, so didn't replant. Last weekend I worked some sand into the soil with a pencil, which seemed to have helped with the drainage (i.e. the soil is drying much faster.) I also water it much less during waterings. Where before I would soak the soil until it started draining from the bottom of the pot, I now just add about 1-2 ounces of water, and let it dry out before watering again. Things seemed to have improved in the last six days--or, I should say, they haven't gotten worse. They have more than doubled in size since last weekend, though! Yay! :D

But when it does come time to move them to bigger pots, I bought coir, compost, and sand to add to the miracle grow soil I already have.