Only Smoke Marijuana if You Want a Healthy Brain

shitbaggy, where are all of your adoring fans? Who among us doesn't despise you? Who are the non haters who benefit from your mindless assjam? Who? Name someone.

Just read through most of my threads, there are people that come in and even say "Why don't you come to other people's threads", which means they want me to come talk with them more than just on my threads.

And as you will see, I tell them that I don't do that because you trolls follow me. And if you read my grow journals and stuff you will see you guys talking about stupid stuff, while every once in a while there will be a post where someone asks me a question or something.

And recently you guys were even making fun of me because Mainliner was on my thread not being a douche, and I remember at one point you were all trying to get me to talk to some guy that thinks he is Jesus.

It seems like you all just have Manic Rage fits when you haven't seen me for a while. Get help.
Then I also get PMs on Facebook from RIU since all of you shared my Facebook with everyone years ago when Uncle Buck was pretending to be me on the internet.
If I EVER get Respect from people on RIU or the Rogan Board, please, someone tell me I have failed at life.

If you guys tell me I have failed though, I will know everything is ok.

Were you trying to do something in which you could fail? I thought your activities were unfalsifiable.

My humblest apologies for misjudging your avoided intent.

Here is a video explaining the devious economics behind cheeseburger pricing in Finland. 2 Euro for two cheeseburgers, or 2.20 2.90 (kaksi yhdeksänkymmentä) Euro for a double cheeseburger. Figure out that one.

As he says in the vid, "yummy yummy" "nomi nomi".

Hey Heyyyyy
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Finn, again, I don't want to "hate" you but, you like all this drama and shit talking.

Why do you have this irresistible urge to teach things you're not familiar with? Do you not see how this IS a problem?

You are being stupid now too. If you came in here and talked about Neurogenesis I would be talking about Neurogenesis. There are trolls here, so we are talking about me. That is not my fault, and don't pretend it is.
Ohhhh, chinslappy,...... new people come her all of the time, occasionally you're bound to catch a fly. Then they figure out you have zero to offer and move on.

This person is obviously not new, he was talking like he wanted to mentor me into being friends with you shit heads. He said "RIU is not a hateful community" so he is probably a troll anyways.
This person is obviously not new, he was talking like he wanted to mentor me into being friends with you shit heads. He said "RIU is not a hateful community" so he is probably a troll anyways.
You stupid mother fucker it was Gary goodson, the same guy posting in this thread. He asked why you didn't contribute to our community and why you only start threads with 10 straight post about random bullshit that no one here cares about.

And we were trying to get you and george (jesus) to fight. You are both fucking crazy and extremely delusional. Seriously fuckbag, no one wants you here.
You're right SuckDicky I'm not "new" to RIU, growing, smoking, or dealing with complete fucking idiots like yourself.

I wasn't trying to mentor you, you can't be helped, I was trying to help the community by showing you the light.
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You stupid mother fucker it was Gary goodson, the same guy posting in this thread. He asked why you didn't contribute to our community and why you only start threads with 10 straight post about random bullshit that no one here cares about.

And we were trying to get you and george (jesus) to fight. You are both fucking crazy and extremely delusional. Seriously fuckbag, no one wants you here.
There have been multiple people that tell me to come to other threads, if it was one person I would have said who it was. It has been at least 10 people "You stupid mother fucker" :lol:
I am pretty sure some of my trolls are people that at first were asking me to join threads, but then I told them that I don;t want the trolls to follow me to their threads, so they just started trolling me in my threads. But those are only the people that have not figured out how to PM me on other sites.
Sorry about your brother.

I am not new here, I know Rollitup is FULL of hate. Most regular nice people move along to other websites, I only come here because I know people are still reading my stuff through the trolls. Just look at the views on any thread. Most people are just avoiding flames, but the people that post in my threads are usually the hateful people on this website.


on a side note do you know how high you get when you mix ammonia and beach together and inhale???? you get toatly fucking blitzed you should try it out 4 real its like DMT
His mom likes it in her ass and then I shove it in his sisters mouth, with a little poop on it for flavor.
