Super Lemon Haze in a Phototron

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
THanks !
she smells super stong, making my eyes burn and tear while trimming her.
smell is interesting, cant quite coin a term for it as of yet. still trimming and very impressed with the dense sugary purply buds, which I will get some pictures of later.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
this querkle is really a TRIP! its heavily, I mean , HEAVILY coated with resin. an ubsurb amount. im going to be honest here, I had pm . I did wash her up BUT im a bit concerned in areas of absurb white that its been ill effected.

i have not grown this strain Before so maybe this is what she looks like?!

I don't know what to think. my scopes took a shit on me and my eyes are fucked up...
I need to order another scope but in the mean time these photos will have to suffice.

, im not sure if the trichomes have absorbed some PM OR if it might be from the baking powder I sprayed on her to fight off the pm. It hermied on me and seeded up as well. but boy OH boy..

Very seductive looking buds. I really enjoyed harvesting this sexy lady!
Pink Querkle heavy on the RESIN 013.JPGPink Querkle heavy on the RESIN 017.JPG
Pink Querkle heavy on the RESIN 021.JPG Pink Querkle heavy on the RESIN 036.JPG Pink Querkle heavy on the RESIN 041.JPG


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
trademark TGA frostiness Doc. as for PM, it's a big bag of balls. you never know if it's gone never know if it's in the buds or treated.

least you got some selfy seeds for the future if you ever want a carbon copy of the original!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
yeah I ordered a new microscope so hopefully I can see if there is any pm in the buds. I heard it looks like a web of white shit.
im sick man, it sucks, real bad cold , bleeding nose and lung butter. but I got to hit the road man / Get to the other side of the Cascades and work tomorrow. I got 9 Cancer patients counting on me.
I haven't had a chance to look at the Bodhi Blueberru since I got home yesterday. Just trying to take care of myself.
Last time I looked a lot of hermie on the top colas. oh well.
Maybe ill just pop some beans outside in my garden this spring and see what happens.
Anyway, thanks for stopping by luv and
have a wet and wild VALENTINES DAY! LOVe U! mmmmwwwwwaaaaahhhhh xoxoxo


Well-Known Member
Hey DAT hows life!? Is your neck of the woods getting this CRAZY sunshine?? Its been absolutely amazing down in Eugene area, not a cloud in the sky, bright and clear for like 10 days now. Took my GF out to the Dalles in the colombia river gorge for a few nights for valentines day, god its so gorgeous out there. Anyway, hope all is well.

And yea, PM in the bud will look like mycllecin of mushrooms under a scope. The white patches that show up on the leaves are just the "fruit" of the mold. The actual fungi lives inside the plant.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hi Papa, That's so cool you took your sweetheart to the Dalles. Its so pretty out there. I love going to work over there. There are some really beautiful hikes up and down the Columbia River Gorge and I hope to get to a few spectacular wildflower hikes over there real soon.Maybe- Dog Mountain on my B-day. yeah the weather up here is unseasonably warm. No snow in the passes really, im so happy about that though because I have to drive Stevens pass everyweekend and Don't want to drive in the snow up there, traitorous. SO this winter has totally kicked ass , I LOVE my new job, its so rad.
I got a new digital microscope I have been messin with, bit disappointed with the unuser friendly software. Got some terrific shots of my deep blue but cant upload it here for you to see, sooo bummed. I will keep working on it.
Im out on my deck all geared up with mask and repellent gear trimming up my Blueberry hills. the larger buds look like this, its a kinda beffy but larfy long buddage ... lots of sugar . very unusual type buds, smells sooooo good. I mean like top of the line!!!
. we rolled up a big Ball of scissor hash and im pretty high. take care pops!
blueberry hills trim job 002.JPG


Well-Known Member
HIgh everyone,

thanks for the feedback, replys and timely help needed.
Things are looking, smelling and feeling real good.
The bugs are gone for the most part. I saw a single one yesterday.

I am still trying to tie and tuck her leaves and branches as she has been growing at an alarming rate. A few tips of leaves have been burned but nothing serious.
I am looking for a different light to hang inside because the one I have now is just too fucking big. I tried to turn it but i dont think its a good idea to be using a wire or such to do that, which is what I would need to do. I have jammed the light up as far as it can go because the upper leaves are getting really close.

It does look as if she might be slowing down in her upward growth. The internodes are getting shorter, thank god, because room is running out. (see she does listen to what i tell her).

I will include pictures of some of my other essential tools here.
I just recieved my cute little pink humidifier and it works like a charm. My humidity the last couple days had dropped down to the low 40's but the humidifier bumped it quickly back up into the 50's.
I will begin to add Bloombastic in the next couple days.
Thanks for checking in I hope you enjoy the pictures. :joint::hump::peace::blsmoke::mrgreen:
Kudos on that Super Healthy SLH. Looks like her momma is really taking good care of her ;)


Well-Known Member
this querkle is really a TRIP! its heavily, I mean , HEAVILY coated with resin. an ubsurb amount. im going to be honest here, I had pm . I did wash her up BUT im a bit concerned in areas of absurb white that its been ill effected.

i have not grown this strain Before so maybe this is what she looks like?!

I don't know what to think. my scopes took a shit on me and my eyes are fucked up...
I need to order another scope but in the mean time these photos will have to suffice.

, im not sure if the trichomes have absorbed some PM OR if it might be from the baking powder I sprayed on her to fight off the pm. It hermied on me and seeded up as well. but boy OH boy..

Very seductive looking buds. I really enjoyed harvesting this sexy lady!
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Your Pink Querkle turned out beautiful! Some gooood lookin flowers! ;)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hey DAT hows life!?

And yea, PM in the bud will look like mycllecin of mushrooms under a scope. The white patches that show up on the leaves are just the "fruit" of the mold. The actual fungi lives inside the plant.
@papapayne , is this hard to detect? and have you any microscopic images of the mycllecin mushrooms under a scope on a bud. :hug: 8)
Thanks @indicat33 . I try my best and ya I do give a lot of time and devotion to my girls, u got that right!:hug: :peace:
@amgprb , no no pink hair. I really enjoyed growing her. I appreciated her squat short Indica personality. Plus she had a few very unique abnormalities. yeah I only grew one so far. Thank you again for the opportunity to experience this plant. :razz: :hug:

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
its funny. I was cleaning up my photo files and came across that one years ago when Las Fingerez was teaching me how to grow... . and its cool it kinda the same as Papa's. When I showed mr. trichs he said it looked like a