Damn Plants


Active Member
Is it too late to do that? and yes i have been feeding them nutes, plant prod 20 20 20


Active Member
thanks for the advice ppl, i will be putting them in the ground tonight with some good soil, ill keep u updated


Active Member
I have no idea i think it might be over watered seeing as we had a storm the other night


Active Member
anyone got any suggestions how to make them bushier too, im planting them in the ground with some soil, but i wuld rather them be bushy than tall, i was thinking of pinching but im not sure if its too late to be putting the plant through that much stress of tansplanting them and pinching


Well-Known Member
Pinching will give you the bushy results you're after and it won't stress the plants. I've done it many many times and never had a problem.


Well-Known Member
they look a little too skinny to support the weight of the top,and they will topple over when they flower


Well-Known Member
yea....just bend them over so you might get some more buds....and the stem might suport those buds, and put them in bigger pots....like 5 gallon buckets. Oh yea......orangeshovel is right.....the more light they get the better, wind isent bad ethier because it strengthens the stems.
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New Member
i dont think they are getting enough sun cuz they looked stretched and they must not be getting enough wind either cuz their stalks are skinny


Active Member
so i planted them in the ground.....they arent looking any better plus theyve got white hairs comming out so i geuss they wont be getting any bigger, was thinking about trying to train them tommorow by tying them down hoping that will make a difference


Well-Known Member
so i planted them in the ground.....they arent looking any better plus theyve got white hairs comming out so i geuss they wont be getting any bigger, was thinking about trying to train them tommorow by tying them down hoping that will make a difference
Did you plant them at an angle?If you did it makes it a little easier to start bending,good luck :peace: