Drunk Vs. Blazed


Well-Known Member
If I have a bag of some realy good weed, I don't drink at all.
But if I have a so-so bag of weed, I usually drink at the same time while smoking to increase the buzz.

But the point of dwelling on negative things in my life, I try not to do.

Try listening to some Kenny Chesney, Craig Morgan or Brad Paisley next time. You'll have more positive thoughts. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I havent drank regularly in awhile.Every now and then now and it isnt the same.I used to drink all the time.Then i found out i was allergic to it,id always break out in handcuffs!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I don't know about you guys but I get ripped on the weekdays and when the weekend comes I just end up shitfaced lol


Well-Known Member
getting drunk is like eating processed food to me

i'm so use to the natural ways of experiencing health, everything else makes me feel like shit

i'm use to eating lean meats and bomb ass natural food, taco bell is just fuckin gross to me now and makes me feel like shit

same with alc/pot. alc just makes me feel like crap..weed makes me oh so insightful, a great dancer, and just a jokester with an amazing imagination(not that i am not already:P)..

weed > alcohol 21-0 gg

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'm never getting drunk again...Long story short, last time I went out, I had a lot of drinks given to me...tquila, whiskey, beer, yeager...I don't remember getting hom, I passed out in my own puke on the carpet as the cats tried to eat it.UGh.


Well-Known Member
Alcohol is a depressant ... If it makes you depressed, or aggressive (an asshole to those around you), then don't drink.

That's my opinion ... Just because alcohol is legal doesn't make it a good thing or something everyone enjoys or reacts well to.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well duh!:mrgreen:
Alcohol is a depressant ... If it makes you depressed, or aggressive (an asshole to those around you), then don't drink.

That's my opinion ... Just because alcohol is legal doesn't make it a good thing or something everyone enjoys or reacts well to.


New Member
Alcoholism runs in my family. Personally I think it is genetic. My grandma drank everyday, my father was quite a drunk. My brother has had problems with it and I can't just have one drink. I'm either all the way in or not in at all. I haven't drank for over 2 years now.

Weed is better, there's no vomiting, not hangover, I can smoke all day long and still be in total control of what I say and do.

They need to legalize weed and make alcohol illegal again. It's for the common good. :)


New Member
Drink to much, and i end up with a hang over in the morning, Smoke to much and i end up with a empty fridge in the morning.

I'll take the empty fridge every time!


New Member
I posted on this thread a long ass time ago way before you stupid ass. I'm a motherfucking subscriber .douche bag
You have started so many fights here on RIU, ^^^personal attacks ^^^

Is this the kind of people RIU wants here?

Someone do RIU a favor, and ban this guy
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New Member
Yes i agree with ignoring him, but there are rules to this site, such as personal attacks, or did i miss a new set of rules for this site?
So according to you it's just a "free-for-all" We can say what we want with no reprocutions.
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