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Hi all! As I have mastered basic soil growing I am moving onto a new venture. Behold the beautiful bulk grow! Me and my friends are really excited to try some. As I am just starting out I am still a beginner and am currently going from MS as I await the maturation of my LC. Pictured here are two tubs of Brazil fully colonized and one of auatrailia at about 75%. I have already successfully completed a bin of Australia and the last picture is a contamed Australia tub that is still fruting. My question is, the tubs of Brazil have been in fruiting conditions for over a week and show no pinset although they seem extremely.healthy to me and the tubs are dialed in. What's wrong here as my Australia has shown to fruit? I have q t5 above 3 bins running 12 hours a day. Temp is between 70-75 in room. Have tried different temps in an effort to induce pinset. Spawn is 5 QTS wbs to 1 brick of pasteurized coir and 2 QTS verm. I will play with more additives when I perfect this method. Any input is greatly appreciated since I am literally brand new at this. Thanks in advance. They are growing sideways because the tub was removed from the light and others when I suspected contam.
My opinion would be overlay it looks like you have one or two aborted pins?Plus the casing overrun if you used one? Whats your rh in that tub btw ? If they where mine I would re-case back into inc. and then back out...jmo
I'm not sure if I cased. I mixed the wbs verm and coir then covered the top with a thin layer of coir so there were no exposed grains. What is overlay? Im a bit more new to this than I led on lol. I appreciate the fast response as well! Tried to post on shroomery but I don't have permission?
Not sure about the exact rh. I ordered a bunch of hygrometers from the uk by mistake and they are taking forever. I read that the side holes should be stuffed light and that the high up holes should be very thinly packed. A good indicator is a break in the condensation beneath them and it seems to be dead on in that respect. The other tubs pf auatrailia fruited just fine in the same set up so I'm assuming it's close enough for at least basic growth


Well-Known Member
I think i see some trich. Whodat is on target as he usually is.

You seem to be wanting more control over your grow, casing us a component of that control. Straight coir, at half an inch mist certainly is not a casing.

You could case now, you could do a serious cold shock, down to seventy or less for four or five days or you can just wait and your fruit will be along when it wants.

If you are going to do bulk, ORCHESTRATE,

Llight, reduced co2, Slightly reduced rh, end of available nutrient and drop in temperature in unison will get you what you arr after.

Excessive aborts on a "bulk" grow indicate low rh, bad surface area to substrate depth or excessive misting.
I think i see some trich. Whodat is on target as he usually is.

You seem to be wanting more control over your grow, casing us a component of that control. Straight coir, at half an inch mist certainly is not a casing.

You could case now, you could do a serious cold shock, down to seventy or less for four or five days or you can just wait and your fruit will be along when it wants.

If you are going to do bulk, ORCHESTRATE,

Llight, reduced co2, Slightly reduced rh, end of available nutrient and drop in temperature in unison will get you what you arr after.

Excessive aborts on a "bulk" grow indicate low rh, bad surface area to substrate depth or excessive misting.
Very much appreciated! I will post updates as the tubs progress. You guys are the best!
I'm not familiar with casing but I'd rather avoid it as I've heard it can negatively effect yield but I'll do whatever it takes. Would either of you recommend scraping first if I case?
If that is trich do NOT case over it. You will lose.
Which tub looks like it has it? I know the one with fruits in it is totally infected. My main concern is the Two fully Colonized Brazil ones. Looks like it has knots all over it. Will it fail miserably if that is overlay? It only took 7 days to completely take the tub over I didn't think overlay happened that quick
I have read much of RRs work and have a lot of respect for his opinion. He states he has seen overlay two or three times in twenty years. I am not sure that is the issue if it is that uncommon


Well-Known Member
The infected one has the trich (mean green), if the knots dont form into pins chalk it up to overlay..You can either scratch up the surface with a sterilized fork or recase. As far as a casing effecting yield I have never heard that ...all it acts as is a humidity buffer, theres actually quite a bit of debate on the case or not to case would equate it with defoliation. BUT no casing does show higher levels of overlay definitely
For sure. If I never cased in the first place how would I recase it? I just put a small layer of coco over the top. The green is in the bin with the actual fruits I know its trich I was just wondering if the pure white bins had any obvious signs of contams
The infected one has the trich (mean green), if the knots dont form into pins chalk it up to overlay..You can either scratch up the surface with a sterilized fork or recase. As far as a casing effecting yield I have never heard that ...all it acts as is a humidity buffer, theres actually quite a bit of debate on the case or not to case would equate it with defoliation. BUT no casing does show higher levels of overlay definitely
Would you recommend scraping and recasing if it has only been a week or should I wait a few days before taking it to the extreme?
If I'm correct in my earlier research on coir overlay is not an issue associated with its use. I did not case simply put more substrate above my mixture of colonized birdseed verm and coir.


Well-Known Member
I like hunter gt's tek or rez tek myself. I would def get a hygrometer in there as rh can be a factor as well and your sides in the tub looked liked they had quite a bit of condensate. Just so ya kno scraping should be a last resort thing I would just recase if you dont see any results in the next couple days


Well-Known Member
I'm not familiar with casing but I'd rather avoid it as I've heard it can negatively effect yield but I'll do whatever it takes. Would either of you recommend scraping first if I case?
It does not negatively affect yield, quite the opposite. It will increase it if done correctly.

Yield is a total measure of weight of fruit from a given mass.

If you case, you can get over 80 percent of all the fruit your mass is likely to produce in the first three flushes.

If you do not, it may take five or more flushes to get that percentage.

Given that a grow becomes more susceptible to failure at each flush, you are unlikely to be able to make up the difference in ongoing flushes.