HOW TO KILL SPIDER MITES 100%: " Naturally - no chemicals"

Thanks and sorry I didn't mean to get off topic. Thanks for the help with the mites everyone. If what I am using doesn't work for me I will try the peppers and post results.
NO ONE USE THAT TEXMINIX SHIT DIRECTLY ON PLANT. It is oily. I dont know how bad I screwed up my plants but I turned the lights off and rinsed the plants thoroughly. I didn't even spray that much. it was a combination of the lights and the oil I think. Unfortunately the best looking one was most effected. talk about a buzz kill. I am literally sick to my stomach. it was only on for about a minute or so and I got to rinsing it off. The new growth seemed most effected. I hope all will be ok! :wall:
NO ONE USE THAT TEXMINIX SHIT DIRECTLY ON PLANT. It is oily. I dont know how bad I screwed up my plants but I turned the lights off and rinsed the plants thoroughly. I didn't even spray that much. it was a combination of the lights and the oil I think. Unfortunately the best looking one was most effected. talk about a buzz kill. I am literally sick to my stomach. it was only on for about a minute or so and I got to rinsing it off. The new growth seemed most effected. I hope all will be ok! :wall:
What is the problem looking like?
I am so mad at myself! I think it was the same as using neem oil and leaving lights on. I didnt like the way it looked and rinsed them multiple times. as you can see the new growth on some is dying. dried and shriveled. the leaves are still a bit moist but I wont turn the lights on till they are dry. prob tomorrow.


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I am so mad at myself! I think it was the same as using neem oil and leaving lights on. I didnt like the way it looked and rinsed them multiple times. as you can see the new growth on some is dying. dried and shriveled. the leaves are still a bit moist but I wont turn the lights on till they are dry. prob tomorrow.
Seems not so bad, if the first one was the best, I would top it now. It should appreciate it, takes some time to get back going again. But better to cut it off now than later. Get it over with now a begin recuperating sooner. She looks like she has enough leaf to take a topping and not stress out. The other 3 look fine.
lol, uh they better be gone. They barely showed signs they were there I just wanted to stay a head of them. I wanted a grow that looked beautiful throughout. This is my 4th grow so I thought this would be my most successful. I guess I will shoot for the 5th being flawless. I have ten seeds starting now but I paid for these. I am doing a scrog but wasn't sure when I was going to top all of them any way. Should I wait until they are all ready so they stay even in the tent? I wanted to go another week or so. here is a pic from the sides and yes the first was the best looking. Here is a pic of my harvest yesterday. The bud is purple, pink and green in color. My heater broke and the grow room went down to the mid to low 60's. It was in basement. I can win at losing!


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lol, uh they better be fine. They barely showed signs they were there I just wanted to stay a head of them. I wanted a grow that looked beautiful throughout. This is my 4th grow so I thought this would be my most successful. I guess I will shoot for the 5th being flawless. I have ten seeds starting now but I paid for these. I am doing a scrog but wasn't sure when I was going to top all of them any way. Should I wait until they are all ready so they stay even in the tent? I wanted to go another week or so. here is a pic from the sides and yes the first was the best looking. Here is a pic of my harvest yesterday. The bud is purple, pink and green in color. My heater broke and the grow room went down to the mid to low 60's. It was in basement. I can win at losing!
My room drop to 63 degrees from 74 every night period, I havent noticed an effect in my plants other than my cantelope buds turn a little purple.. i would say top them now since you would be stressing them all at once during veg. Its not that bad buddy, we live and learn and you have now established a "do not use this shit" on your own for all of us, thank you for you pictures as proofs.
Thanks for the encouragement. The do look much better this morning the less effected leaves perked back up but the aftermath will be looming for a good week or so till new growth covers it up. I can see that they are still growing. At what height would one normally top? does topping this early effect the yield much? I suppose I can just let them veg a bit longer to make up for this mistake? Am I thinking right in thinking this way? I did think to myself , Hey its part of learning and I hope others see this and know the dangers of this Terminix crap as well as USING ANY TYPE OF OIL AS A FOLIAGE SPRAY FOR WHAT EVER REASON SHOULD BE DONE WITH THE LIGHTS OFF AND DO NOT TURN THEM BACK ON UNTIL THEY ARE DRY. I really think that if the lights were off this would not have happened. I tested on a lower leaf first and no reaction but it was shaded. The instant I misted them all over it hit the leaf and very quickly it evaporated. the reason the other plants were not as effected is because they were closer to the fan. The spray had only been on for a min at most as I saw the reaction almost immediately and began spraying them with RO PHed water and kept repeating this. I also sprayed with a mild soap mix to break down the oil first and did this instinctively.. I didn't realize to turn off the light until I read about neem oil and lights off. I did have the instinct to raise the light up for some reason thank God or I think it would have been worse. I will update later today with some photos. I really appreciate you and Shiskaboy helping me along with this. Its nice to have someone with experience lay eyes on the issue. I seriously lost sleep over this. They become like your kids, LOL SMH
I topped the one that was really bad. I just want to confirm. What I have been reading says to top anytime after 3rd node. The one that was really burned is at it seventh as well as the other two. the last one is at 5 nodes. should I let that one rock out a bit?
I think you will be fine topping.... point taken use the pepper mixture not chemicals.... I have been using neem for awhile but this sounds much nicer along with some sage and cinnimon planted throughout the garden
I topped the one that was really bad. I just want to confirm. What I have been reading says to top anytime after 3rd node. The one that was really burned is at it seventh as well as the other two. the last one is at 5 nodes. should I let that one rock out a bit?
i top after the 6th node shows for mu mainline plants, i top after the 3rd for my lst plants. Both of these increase yeild because your formin just a few main stalks for the sub branching (where budsites form). The idea behind it is to get more canopy that has the sam ammount of light.
Side note. I spray the hab spray with lights on and i have not seen bad effects from it drying on the leaves. However its much more effective when its allowed to sit on the leaf and essentially calcify the mites abdomen. Also the soapy water wash you gave them will hopefully coat any eggs and work double agent style for you
i top after the 6th node shows for mu mainline plants, i top after the 3rd for my lst plants. Both of these increase yeild because your formin just a few main stalks for the sub branching (where budsites form). The idea behind it is to get more canopy that has the sam ammount of light.
Side note. I spray the hab spray with lights on and i have not seen bad effects from it drying on the leaves. However its much more effective when its allowed to sit on the leaf and essentially calcify the mites abdomen. Also the soapy water wash you gave them will hopefully coat any eggs and work double agent style for you
Ok so I am essentially at a good time to top? Would you top the sub branches later on? I would like to fill the 4x4 area? I have about a half a pound from last harvest to hold me over to this one. I used to smoke an oz a month but about 2 since I started growing my own.
Ok so I am essentially at a good time to top? Would you top the sub branches later on? I would like to fill the 4x4 area?
I actually propigated som rosemary and sage from seed the other day in my cloner. I figured id have healthy herbs that repel pests too:)
good idea. I have a closet full of tomatoes going in DWC. I would prob need to run those separate because they are at about 2500ppm at the moment. I understand 3500 is the high side. I am just using miracle grow for nutes.
updated pics AFTERMATH one topped, I will top the others as soon as I read more and am sure about the Uncle Bens method. The pics that show where to pinch are missing. This is my last post on this topic


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