My very first time smoking weed out of a bong resulted in me going to hospital


New Member
Let me introduce myself. I am new to this place and I am 25 years old. before this experience, I was shy and would never speak up for myself and all around a pretty quiet guy. However when I smoked weed a week ago with a few friends out of a waterfall bong, I took a huge hit and I coughed a lot. I then took another huge hit one minute later and around 5 minutes after, I started panicking and thought I was dying. I ended up calling my mother to come and pick me up and I could hear over the phone that she was panicking as she didn't know what was going on. I then ended up calling the ambulance and while I was in the ambulance lying down, I saw that everything was in slow motion and I was seeing double of everything. My reactions were delayed as I was trying to move my hands and feet and when I tried to move my head, my brain was spinning like crazy.

I told the person in the ambulance that I would like to go to the hospital to be treated. While I was talking to the man in the ambulance, I could hear him clearly. I don't remember much of the trip going to the hospital, but when I got there, I remember being rolled in a wheel chair into a nurses office and I swear that I thought I was completely mentally retarded as I couldn't move and was slurring my words. I could see everything around me and could hear the nurse speak, but I could not move. I kept telling the doctor "how did I get slow" and she said she didn't know what I was talking about because she couldn't understand what I was talking about. At the time when all of this was going on in the nurses room, I started wondering how I got slow and I kept thinking that someone had ended up shooting me in the back of the head with a gun but didn't kill me.

After the nurse ran a few tests, she put me in the waiting area as all the rooms were full. As she was rolling me there I could see a lot of other people in wheel cheers that looked like they were mentally retarded. I for sure thought that I as well was retarded and that I was actually in a mentally challenged hospital. Awhile later as I was in the waiting area, I mustered enough energy to get out of the wheel chair and walk towards the exit. As I entered the exit, I remember walking through a bunch of halls and at the same time I could have sworn I could hear my mother praying from above. She was whispering. I kept telling her that I was alright and I started thinking to myself that I was in a coma and she was praying for me to wake up I started to put the pieces together and thought I smoked so much that I was in a coma and I also had a twitching problem with my left hand for the past few weeks. So I started to think I had a stoke and went into a coma. I then heard her say "ok go ahead and pull the plug" and when that happened I heard a flat lining noise. I was still walking around, but once the flat lining noise happened, I thought for sure I was dead and I was going to hell because I have sinned a lot during my time on earth.

I managed to make my way outside of the hospital and ended up talking to an old lady and a little girl that was around 10 years old that was with her. They were waiting at a bus terminal. I talked to them for a pretty long time and they both talked with me. I asked if the little girl have a good Christmas and the lady said she wasn't able to afford it, so I offered her $1000 to go out and have a great Christmas (I had the money in my bank account). I don't really remember much of the conversation. I remember sitting down on the bench at the bus terminal for a long time talking to both of them before they left.

I remember getting up from the bench every time a bus would come along to see if it was the right bus I had to be on. I remember getting on through the back door and looking around at everyone. Whenever something didn't feel right, I would quickly hop off the bus and then hop back on and so on and so forth.

I don't know how many buses I hopped on. I ended up laying down on another bench somewhere outside of the bus terminal and must have went to sleep or passed out. I'm not sure, because even though my eyes were closed, I was fully aware of people talking as they were walking by and I could feel the could air as well as the cold bench I was laying on. I could also feel the rain drops hitting me. My first reaction was thinking that I was dead and laying on a metal table naked waiting for an autopsy. I tried snapping out of it by moving around and I actually was moving around, but my eyes were closed. I remember falling off the bench and felt myself hitting the pavement. It's unclear what happened after that, but I ended up on another bus that ended up taking me to where I had to go.

I ended up going into a best buy store and going into the bathroom and collapsing onto the ground. I don't know if I passed out. I think I did. I don't know how long I was in there, but an employee had walked in and saw that I was laying on the ground. He immediately asked if I was alright and he said he would call an ambulance. I got enough strength to walk out of the bathroom and walked around the store until I ran into the man that walked into where I was. He was on the phone with the ambulance. He told me to take a seat. by this point I was a lot more responsive and was aware of my surroundings. I know longer felt tired and I could keep my eyes opened. About 10 minutes later the paramedics had arrived with a stretcher.

They asked me what happened and at the time it was all a blank to me. they put me in the ambulance and called my family for me to come and pick me out of the ambulance truck. I started asking the paramedics was this normal and they said it's not all that common to go all out on weed alone although it happens, but they suggested maybe it was sativa or something else. I smoked the bong with a few other friend and when it was my turn, it looked like weed. It's been a week since this has all happened and I have been able to piece together all that happened. Everything that I have mentioned other then my mother praying over me was not a hallucination. I really went to the hospital, rode buses all across the city, and passed out in the bathroom.

How I didn't get hit by a car crossing busy intersections is a mystery to me. Now with that out of the way, all of my life I have been a timid, shy person that was always emotional, quiet and would always keep to myself. I also had a really short attention span. I have always had a lot of anger and frustration built up over the years of when I was a young teen, but I have been suppressing it. But ever since that experience, I am none of those things anymore. I am no longer shy, no longer timid, no longer emotional and dwell on anything emotional, and don't care for peoples feelings AT ALL and just don't really care about anyone and it shows, because people that know me have been saying that something has changed in me. My attention span is really long now as I can focus on a single thing that interests me for a long time.

I actually sort of like this side of me better then the old me, although I sort of miss how emotional I was. This side of me is nothing like how I was a week ago. But with all of that being said, it sort of feels like my mind/brain is sort of slow right now and I can sort of feel that it has made me slow and I am not as sharp as I was. It's like I am not all the way there. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but I think what I smoked altered my personality. Is this normal?

My kidneys and lungs also hurt.
Let me introduce myself. I am new to this place and I am 25 years old. before this experience, I was shy and would never speak up for myself and all around a pretty quiet guy. However when I smoked weed a week ago with a few friends out of a waterfall bong, I took a huge hit and I coughed a lot. I then took another huge hit one minute later and around 5 minutes after, I started panicking and thought I was dying. I ended up calling my mother to come and pick me up and I could hear over the phone that she was panicking as she didn't know what was going on. I then ended up calling the ambulance and while I was in the ambulance lying down, I saw that everything was in slow motion and I was seeing double of everything. My reactions were delayed as I was trying to move my hands and feet and when I tried to move my head, my brain was spinning like crazy.

I told the person in the ambulance that I would like to go to the hospital to be treated. While I was talking to the man in the ambulance, I could hear him clearly. I don't remember much of the trip going to the hospital, but when I got there, I remember being rolled in a wheel chair into a nurses office and I swear that I thought I was completely mentally retarded as I couldn't move and was slurring my words. I could see everything around me and could hear the nurse speak, but I could not move. I kept telling the doctor "how did I get slow" and she said she didn't know what I was talking about because she couldn't understand what I was talking about. At the time when all of this was going on in the nurses room, I started wondering how I got slow and I kept thinking that someone had ended up shooting me in the back of the head with a gun but didn't kill me.

After the nurse ran a few tests, she put me in the waiting area as all the rooms were full. As she was rolling me there I could see a lot of other people in wheel cheers that looked like they were mentally retarded. I for sure thought that I as well was retarded and that I was actually in a mentally challenged hospital. Awhile later as I was in the waiting area, I mustered enough energy to get out of the wheel chair and walk towards the exit. As I entered the exit, I remember walking through a bunch of halls and at the same time I could have sworn I could hear my mother praying from above. She was whispering. I kept telling her that I was alright and I started thinking to myself that I was in a coma and she was praying for me to wake up I started to put the pieces together and thought I smoked so much that I was in a coma and I also had a twitching problem with my left hand for the past few weeks. So I started to think I had a stoke and went into a coma. I then heard her say "ok go ahead and pull the plug" and when that happened I heard a flat lining noise. I was still walking around, but once the flat lining noise happened, I thought for sure I was dead and I was going to hell because I have sinned a lot during my time on earth.

I managed to make my way outside of the hospital and ended up talking to an old lady and a little girl that was around 10 years old that was with her. They were waiting at a bus terminal. I talked to them for a pretty long time and they both talked with me. I asked if the little girl have a good Christmas and the lady said she wasn't able to afford it, so I offered her $1000 to go out and have a great Christmas (I had the money in my bank account). I don't really remember much of the conversation. I remember sitting down on the bench at the bus terminal for a long time talking to both of them before they left.

I remember getting up from the bench every time a bus would come along to see if it was the right bus I had to be on. I remember getting on through the back door and looking around at everyone. Whenever something didn't feel right, I would quickly hop off the bus and then hop back on and so on and so forth.

I don't know how many buses I hopped on. I ended up laying down on another bench somewhere outside of the bus terminal and must have went to sleep or passed out. I'm not sure, because even though my eyes were closed, I was fully aware of people talking as they were walking by and I could feel the could air as well as the cold bench I was laying on. I could also feel the rain drops hitting me. My first reaction was thinking that I was dead and laying on a metal table naked waiting for an autopsy. I tried snapping out of it by moving around and I actually was moving around, but my eyes were closed. I remember falling off the bench and felt myself hitting the pavement. It's unclear what happened after that, but I ended up on another bus that ended up taking me to where I had to go.

I ended up going into a best buy store and going into the bathroom and collapsing onto the ground. I don't know if I passed out. I think I did. I don't know how long I was in there, but an employee had walked in and saw that I was laying on the ground. He immediately asked if I was alright and he said he would call an ambulance. I got enough strength to walk out of the bathroom and walked around the store until I ran into the man that walked into where I was. He was on the phone with the ambulance. He told me to take a seat. by this point I was a lot more responsive and was aware of my surroundings. I know longer felt tired and I could keep my eyes opened. About 10 minutes later the paramedics had arrived with a stretcher.

They asked me what happened and at the time it was all a blank to me. they put me in the ambulance and called my family for me to come and pick me out of the ambulance truck. I started asking the paramedics was this normal and they said it's not all that common to go all out on weed alone although it happens, but they suggested maybe it was sativa or something else. I smoked the bong with a few other friend and when it was my turn, it looked like weed. It's been a week since this has all happened and I have been able to piece together all that happened. Everything that I have mentioned other then my mother praying over me was not a hallucination. I really went to the hospital, rode buses all across the city, and passed out in the bathroom.

How I didn't get hit by a car crossing busy intersections is a mystery to me. Now with that out of the way, all of my life I have been a timid, shy person that was always emotional, quiet and would always keep to myself. I also had a really short attention span. I have always had a lot of anger and frustration built up over the years of when I was a young teen, but I have been suppressing it. But ever since that experience, I am none of those things anymore. I am no longer shy, no longer timid, no longer emotional and dwell on anything emotional, and don't care for peoples feelings AT ALL and just don't really care about anyone and it shows, because people that know me have been saying that something has changed in me. My attention span is really long now as I can focus on a single thing that interests me for a long time.

I actually sort of like this side of me better then the old me, although I sort of miss how emotional I was. This side of me is nothing like how I was a week ago. But with all of that being said, it sort of feels like my mind/brain is sort of slow right now and I can sort of feel that it has made me slow and I am not as sharp as I was. It's like I am not all the way there. I can't exactly put my finger on it, but I think what I smoked altered my personality. Is this normal?

My kidneys and lungs also hurt.

Have you accepted Jesus into your life?
How much for a ounce?