2015 High Times Michigan Medical Cannabis Cup 2015

MMMA Sec 4 (j): "A registry identification card, or its equivalent, that is issued under the laws of another state, district, territory, commonwealth, or insular possession of the United States that allows the medical use of marihuana by a visiting qualifying patient, or to allow a person to assist with a visiting qualifying patient's medical use of marihuana, shall have the same force and effect as a registry identification card issued by the department."

States with MMJ Reciprocity

Thirty-four states and the District of Columbia permit some medical use of marijuana, although some are limited to cannabidiol (CBD), and not all programs are operational yet. Of those jurisdictions, only seven: Arizona, Delaware, Maine,Michigan, Montana, Nevada and Rhode Island, explicitly permit legal medical marijuana visitors to use their medications in state.

Oregon appears to reach the same result through a ruling of the state Court of Appeals. The situation is not clear in California, and the likelihood of prosecution in Colorado and Washington, where recreational marijuana has been legalized, seems slim.

Even within these states, considerable variation exists as to what is permitted. If, for example, a patient legally uses marijuana to treat glaucoma at home, but glaucoma is not a condition for which it may be used in the state being visited, then the patient cannot use it, even if the visited state normally has medical marijuana reciprocity.

A patient may be permitted to use medication brought from home, but not to purchasethe same thing from a dispensary. Nevada, on the other hand, has recently amended its medical marijuana statute to permit out-of-state patients to purchase marijuana at a dispensary on the basis of a sworn affidavit until 2016, after which date it will require cross-checking through a database that has yet to be developed. Michigan, in an apparent fit of pique, limits reciprocity to residents of only those states that extend the same privilege to Michiganders. It is chaotic, to say the least.

there was a group of 7 that got turned away for not having their med cards. they had out of state cards, but MI does NOT consider out of state medical cards as being valid. I thought they were gonna start a fight with the door guy. it was about to get ugly.

and if you don't have a med card, I wouldn't waste my time with going. the non-medicated area is a joke and waste of time. I spent about 1 min outside the gates, then made a B-line back to the fun and festivities.
Actually Michigan is the only MMJ state that DOES respect out of state MMJ cards... Look it uP
Nevada also claims that they are the only ones that recognize out-of-state cards. lol

Oaksterdam University is having a 4 day horticulture seminar in Las Vegas next week that I'm going to and I just went back and reread what one of the pages said. I didn't think I was imagining reading that. lmao:

In Nevada specifically, the need for more dispensaries has been identified and could increase by as much as 50% according to Leslie Bocskor, the chairman of the Nevada Cannabis Industry Association. In addition to serving Nevada medical marijuana cardholders, the state will recognize cards from other states, making Nevada the only state in the country to do so.

My drivers Iicense is good everywhere, BS that my MMC isn't...this is where Canada shines over the USa but its way harder to get MMC over there......beside the US has better roads, IoI

Too bad we can't sue--the gays would....we (us MM users) have Iess rights then them...I wanna go south, some pIace warm but I can't my take MM with me..yet I couId take my BF with me..thats messed up, IMO
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I'm not defending the original comments, I just laugh at how everyone is so quick to pull your card these days if you're not "PC", unless you're blatantly bashing whites or religious beliefs, those are now free game lol!
[QUOTE/]Huel Perkins, post: 11352667, member: 276371"]I'm not defending the original comments, I just laugh at how everyone is so quick to pull your card these days if you're not "PC", unless you're blatantly bashing whites or religious beliefs, those are now free game lol![/QUOTE]
Congratulations for recognizing MODERN society is becoming intolerant of intolerance...
Its like picking on a dick for being a dick, is it wrong? Meh not imo
And ya I see so much white bashing go on:roll:
LOL You guys are too sensitive!

Ya think? So this kind of stuff should just be tolerated. Different sexual orientation or skin color..... open game.

I'm not defending the original comments, I just laugh at how everyone is so quick to pull your card these days if you're not "PC", unless you're blatantly bashing whites or religious beliefs, those are now free game lol!

Whites get bashed often? I feel so persecuted.

Comparing being gay to being religious isn't a very good comparison. People are born gay. Just like you were born straight. People aren't born religious, they *chose* to believe what they believe.

This has nothing to do with "PC". It's basic fucking respect for your fellow man.