Do you have a specific something they are not encompassing?
If those two don't have basically everything you need then you have moved well beyond this forum. Or at least narrow you down to a specific question, not just "I wonder..." Then get pissed I give you a easily findable answer.
P.s. The links are by one of your diy crushes.
Now let's get back to who is being a prick here...
Tightpocket(not you two) asked about 4 cxa's at 1.4 in a 2x2(50+watts/sqft). I gave an educated and empirically backed recomemdation. You two self proclaimed noobs(though you seem to think your experts till called out)that like to make thread to educate people on tech you just found days before...try and dispute my recommendation based on your feelings and own random trains of thought you had. You try to find loopholes and situations that aren't even in the context just to try and prove me wrong for some reason. So you want him to put lenses in in a 2x2 situation with 50+w/sqft in there???
Call it prickish all you want....but show me where I have showed or said something not backed by my own testing, or a scientific study?
You guys come one here one day and discover led greatness through someone else's eyes, the next day your an expert starting threads about it a marketing recommendations to people based off what expirience? Then all of a sudden when someone gets sick of guesses and hypothesis and gives you data and's prickish.
So who is really halting progress fanboys?
DIY crush? LOL, now that is rich. He is one my idols here on RIU, make no doubt about it.
Those links you share DO shed light on answering my question, I just didn't take the time to read through it all, as those threads are fairly new to me and the material isn't as intuitive as one might like it to be.
Listen, if you don't enjoy rehashing old threads (which is understandable) then don't rehash. Just move on with your life or something. Don't get pissed off at us because we didn't know these threads existed, otherwise wouldn't you think we would go look for them ourselves? Obviously some of us are lazy about digging up old material but not all of us. Give us the benefit of doubt, mate.
I was unaware of disputing your recommendation/advice.. I personally know that I'm in no stance to challenge your knowledge of reflectors and lenses. So you perceived my comments incorrectly, sorry. I do like to argue with you from time to time (as you are surely aware), it's just the character you carry with you but I did not intentionally try to slander your advice to tightpocket. I'm actually a little bewildered from your accusation...
"You guys come one here one day and discover led greatness through someone else's eyes"
Isn't that how technology and the progression of human innovation works? One guy invents the wheel, the next guy the steering wheel, and the next guy the engine? But eventually, everything becomes known and before you know it, you're living in a world that has no mystery to it and all you can do is learn about some person's past discoveries (ooops, I've said too much).
See how I stated 75% of the time you come off as prickish, while the other 25% of the time you are informative and share knowledge but usually only after arguing with you or someone not understanding, such as
@hyroot in the Vero thread. I believe if you were a little more understanding and patient with certain individuals, then I wouldn't get that impression but that's just my perception, which carries with it error.
You are right about my ego trip with COBs but I'm not quite sure about your claim on making threads on technology we just came about. I can only assume you are directing that statement towards the Vero thread I created. Ok, so I was a little excited that I could USE MY UNDERSTANDING OF EXCEL to create something that Supra has done in the past. I was happy that I could come CLOSE to replicating something one of the DIY superstars of this forum had provided others.
"Do what ever you guys want to but please document and show it all. Not just one person who would be successful with a candle if he wanted to(supra). More of you need to start contributing to mass info if you really want things to progress"
Sound familiar?